September 8th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Will we have Steam Workshop on Steam?

September 8th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Will we have Steam Workshop on Steam?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 3rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will the game eventually feature Steam Workshop support for Mods?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-PwFxPAf0nuM">[ YouTube - September 8th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: Will we have Steam Workshop on Steam?]</ref>



on it, will we have steam workshop on steam for base repairing or modding, yeah the so we're gonna have modding in the game as for whether or not we're gonna have steam workshop it's not an automatic yes even if we have modern modding that's something we just have to think about when the time comes because you got to remember that we're going to be on multiple platforms or you know we're also on epic we may be on other platforms and those platforms, also should have access to mods as well the people who create the mods it's way better as well if they only have to create one kind of mod that everyone can use instead of creating one for everyone and then one pristine workshop or only making it for steam workshop and then everyone else misses out but there's a there are a lot of arguments and reasons to not use steam workshop even though it is convenient for a lot of folks but even if you look at the unofficial modding community what they're doing right now it's so easy to like add mods yeah it's insanely easy you download an app you choose your mod and that's the that's it yeah you just it's it's a cute nice sort of window you can like filter whatever you'd be like boop and then that's it you got it mods in it's like so easy, so there are there are other solutions that are really really easy and convenient, to steam workshop although I know a lot of people are used to steam workshop but it it's not the only option potentially it all boils down to like the modding ecosystem that we really want to like, keep the way it is or like keep it so like the people are making mods don't have to like upload it to different stores or like vaporize one store over another so it's like oh I have it on steam but I can't use this mod because it's not available or the other way around yeah, and we want to prioritize that now like we want to make it easy to use mods as well so it might be that in the future we make our own like modding handler or something like that or if there's a good way for them to upload to both storefronts in an easy way then maybe we can solve it through that but it's like something that we're gonna bring up with like the motors yeah and figure out we'll look into there's a lot of decisions you can make in game dev and within the game dev industry and circles that are apparently automatic and default and you don't have to think about it apparently you just have to do it and one of those is steam honestly it's like if you're making a game it goes on steam you can't you can't question that you can't think about it and then like the workshop is another one of those things and then there are many other things as well, but it's better to just stop and think about it and just go is it really a good idea and don't just follow others and I think that's what we've done