September 28th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: My game crashes occasionally when I load my save, and then I send the report. Is it useful?

September 28th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: My game crashes occasionally when I load my save, and then I send the report. Is it useful?

This question has 2 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-PkYqMmp6Rr4">[ YouTube - September 28th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: My game crashes occasionally when I load my save, and then I send the report. Is it useful?]</ref>


my great my game crashes from time to time when I load my save and then I sent the report is it useful with the crashes stop one day yeah those reports are really useful the ones that you send when the game crashes we have a database and it logs that, you know what what bugs what crashes happen and how often they happen and things like that, and so usually we can when that kind of stuff happens and we start getting a lot of reports or something that helps us figure out okay a lot of people are experiencing this issue we should put some time into that and so yeah we we use those we really do use those reports by the way we also if you have seen you can also leave a comment in those reports if you can please write in english like we've had a couple of times where like we find crashes and then like it's in french and everyone's like ah I mean you just you just translate it sometimes you translate sometimes yeah because because if they don't know english they're just gonna have to use translated I mean that's true right if you have the the possibility matter yeah yeah if they can't express themselves in english because they don't know it yeah that's fine but if you can it would be appreciated