May 23rd, 2023 Livestream
Intro / State of Dev
00:00 Previously on SatisfactorZ
00:44 @Spardacus_ - A Cruel Satisfactory Thesis
02:21 Intro
04:25 Update 8 internal playtest
05:14 Update 8 estimated release date
06:43 Update 8 experimental period longer than normal
07:59 Q&A: Should we backup our saves?
08:11 Epic Online Services outage
14:53 Power Towers & Priority Switch video
17:01 Priority Power Switch
18:29 Q&A: Will separate Power networks go down if they share fuse groups?
19:56 Priority Power Switch use-cases
22:11 Q&A: Do you still need to run all the way to the downed fuse group to open the UI and switch the breaker back on?
22:32 Power Towers
25:34 Q&A: Are we going to stop getting Power through Train lines?
26:00 Q&A: Are all connectors in the Power Tower automatically connected to the same network?
26:34 Q&A: Are the Power Towers too big for the Blueprint Designer?
31:19 Outro
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<ref name="yt-PR5Tc9g7YDE">[ YouTube - May 23rd, 2023 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev]</ref>
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- Features > Power Management
- Features > Power Management > Power Switch
- Features > Buildables > Power Tower
- Satisfactory Updates > Release Builds
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 8
- Satisfactory Updates > State of Dev
- Satisfactory Updates > Teasers & Trailers > Update 8 Teasers
previously on Dragon Ball Z let's go baby we got it we got it we got it we're really happy to actually order a lot of food huh yeah it's a lot of food a lot of food yeah what's that sound do you feel like I kind of do yeah yeah holy [ __ ] it's a bomb it's an actual bum it's an actual bum what we got examine dude, there's two wires which one do I cut cut the red one cut the red one dude there's only the blue there's teal and aqua cut the blue one all right I'm cutting both here we go we're gonna die we're gonna die I can't believe this I'm cutting with these by the way
thank you Jace oh my God are you okay yeah sorry I'm I left my camera off oh okay I'm good yeah there was the, it was the red wire was underneath ah yeah I'm okay I'm okay the old red wire underneath trick I got it I got it oh good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I seem like a lock picking lawyer video on that or something without without touching it actually he did it without touching it yeah very good very good hey everybody Welcome to the weekly devstream, hope you're all having a fantastic Tuesday, yeah, by the way if you guys like that that opening we didn't make that just well you know the part where we were in it we made that right but the rest wasn't us it was Community people and there you can check us our original video Yeah by Sparta Spartacus of course I'm not sure that's Sparta you may have seen Sparta's other videos where they made the Pioneer Becky trailer and they also made like a intro to like their Factory I can't remember what the the site was called what the hell like Choppers and [ __ ] [ __ ] it's so funny, so if you're if you're an average not average if you're if you're a average Reddit user what's the word I'm looking for here it's not average it's frequent frequency and frequent the Reddit yeah Avid is the word Avid yeah if you're freaking, write a user you may already seen this, but we we really wanted to share this because, so good yeah so go check out the video on YouTube give it a like put some comments in there rabbit if you're a rabid Reddit yeah yeah yeah rabbit yeah a redditor even there you go, welcome to the the weekly Dev stream we got a bunch of stuff to talk about this week actually, and we're probably gonna start off with with the biggest the big hitter here okay, so what could that be yeah so last week we mentioned that we were going to have like an internal week, internal play test at the office which was like one of the first ones where we felt more optimistic about the state of the game and after that we would be able to like sort of ascertain like where we are you know we've been this like kind of limbo for a while now where we've just been like fixing the game and focusing on that didn't really know what was going on and, where we're going what we're doing who we are and all that stuff where did we come from where do we go and the places yeah sorry apparently there's an echo is there an echo guys of you or me well I wasn't speaking so, oh wait where's Ecuador yeah there's no Echo it's fine yeah, yeah the the playlist was pretty optimistic though so, we actually sort of kind of have an idea of what we're gonna do with update 8 when it's gonna come out and, yeah drum roll update is probably gonna come out on experimental sometime in June this year I always had to add this here every time we do this, so so right now we we don't have like an exact date yet, we're gonna it's probably gonna be kind of last second as always because because expect some announcement on a Friday yeah that we're releasing it on the Tuesday so exactly and people are already guessing the the dates here you know 59 no maybe June 32nd yeah so so we'll see we'll see exactly when and this is for experimental by the way, so after they come to experimental sometime in June and just remember that this is like our internal deadline okay that we're working towards and it's a range okay so this is the some of the lowest, certainty you can get all right guys so just understand what we're letting you guys know just so that you can keep up to date with what we know basically just sort of the transparency but just understand that anything can happen I think we all know that by now, given, you know this is that the way we've done stuff all along yeah if you're if you're a rabid satisfactory enjoyer you know that please these, these kind of like announcements or whatever they they go a little bit all over the place, and also one thing I want to mention is that the experimental period for this update is probably going to be one of the it's going to be longer than usual similar to how we did with probably with updates sex I think it was yeah yeah yeah I think it was six yeah, because partly because you know this is a huge engine update that's coming in this this update like there's a lot of stuff that's changed under the hood, there's a lot of stuff that's changed on the hood really, but also because we got our vacation period coming up as well, and we were either gonna be like either we wait after till after vacation period which will be like not until like what August September or we release on experimental and then we do as much as we can before vacation and then there's that vacation period and then we keep fixing up whatever's left and then some point it will end up on Early Access Branch, yep so we'll see but it's there's a decent chance that it's gonna need that extra, like extra experimental time anyway right because like all the the bugs and instabilities and things that that we found that's like what we found there's a decent chance that when we put it in your hands that when there's many many thousands and thousands and thousands of people playing yep, you know we'll find things that we didn't find but, that possibility is there but you know we're doing our best she'll be back at our saves, let me think about it yeah yeah just do it I mean if you should back up your saves every time you think about it do it everyone back up your saves right now yeah you never know I love that I on this note I wrote down like I started writing a note here and I didn't finish the sentence hopefully we got everything here but, yeah those those I guess those were the kind of the big news here, for for this week, and, yeah moving over moving on to another topic that also happened last week was that, there was there was like a there's an outage on the we think or I know what it was but how it how much it affected us but, there was an outage for Eos EOS is the Epic online services that we use for the game, the Epic online services is like a free service that's made by epic and it supports like all Platforms in all stores and like all identity service and whatever yeah exactly and it's it's a really good tool for game developers it's it's amazing to use honestly because not all of that you get that for free like you usually you have to use it make it yourself and we're using EOS specifically for connectivity so like when you're connecting, peer-to-peer online, and sometimes like that's a state of Dev by the way oh tap are we still an intro here we go gotta do it all over again, yeah so using EOS for the connectivity aspects of like when we're connecting peer-to-peer, because when you're playing online you still need that the important thing is you need to establish that connectivity and then you're you're talking you're talking to each other, can't wait for Mark to make a get out of that, but like there's a lot a lot of other reasons why us is amazing but we're not we're specifically using for peer-to-peer and through throughout this weekend, there was a little bit of outage for a specific aspect of the connectivity service which is sometimes crispy he's talking about here not connectivity between players yeah nightmare to implement yourself at such scale it is all right, actually we can talk a little bit quickly about that too because there's not like just connecting is is theoretically easy but it's insanely complex and it's more complex than you think it is especially when you're sitting behind a router and you have like a local, looking area, and that is like Network address traversal or something is the is the and, yeah it's it's a it's a nightmare to to be able to figure out how to get that set up sort of working and sometimes even though theoretically it should work sometimes it doesn't and there's a couple of like different techniques and services that are used to like sort of mitigate if that issue happens where two computers like when the router doesn't let you connect, and one of this is called nat punch through which is essentially like a way where the software is like tricking the router to pretend like I'm actually sending out packets for this address which means I want to receive it, that's one way to do it there's another thing that's called stun and turf servers where essentially you're telling you're asking a server like hey what's my public IP and the server tells you and then you tell another server hey here's my public ID IP and here's my private IP and I want you to like connect to me and I want to send that out to you so I'm looking like I actually want to see what's coming, and there's also something called relay servers where sometimes even that service fails there's like also a way where you're talking to this other server and that server is like traversing relaying your data essentially, it's like if all those things fail then you're not gonna be able to connect and we believe it's kind of hard to to ascertain exactly you know all the like all the variables as to like what this is we we definitely saw a couple of people running into issues with connectivity but after speaking to a couple of community members it was kind of hard to like actually saying like if there's one specific issue or not, but we believe there was an issue with the sun in turn, connectivity on Epic side possibly, epic has a website where they track this stuff so like if you want to see the state of the service there's a website called and currently they're listing it as like they're having peer peer-to-peer like network degradation or something like that and it's still ongoing and it's still like trying to investigate it doesn't affect everybody it just affects like certain people with certain Network setups or you know even depending on like what server like what internet provider you're using can also affect it yeah, yeah so we definitely got a spike that was sort of like unusual over the weekend over the past week or something with people with, issues that you know we used to have before like we had the relay servers and stuff and they were not related ones and so we're like why is this happen now we haven't even updated the game so yeah, but it seems to to correlate with, epics peer-to-peer yes issues right now so and I mean all services can go down like this even if we were using like steams specific server which would only work on Steam then but like even those Services go down from time to time so like you know an epic are usually pretty fast at fixing these kind of things and and pretty good at like probably something holding it back yeah, and one thing I want to point out is that all this stuff is handled through the Epic online services SDK so like it's we're using the SDK to like handle all this stuff so we're not actively developing any of this aspect of the game so we have no control well we have a little bit control but not too much, specifically not about this part, so so like the unfortunate thing when this happens is that we we're it's kind of like out of our hands to fix it, so like when the service do go down it's kind of like we rely on Epic to to get around in resolving it and It's Tricky for us because we can't also we can't troubleshoot these types of issues since you know we're not the ones developing it, but I'm gonna try and reach out to someone from epic or if someone from is watching and and want to see if there's a way where we can sort of help forwarding troubleshooting issues when when this does happen we're going to see if we can do something about that but just so you guys know that like we're not actively developing this at this part of the game because we want to focus on working on the game instead of focusing on working on like network connectivity which is a huge hassle by itself and it's way better time spent on working on the game rather than trying to solve this I think epic put a lot more resources than we probably yeah they definitely do so yeah, so just want to like sort of get that information out there we've talked about it a couple of times before, I think there's like also a steam post where this info is somewhere, I just so you guys are aware, welcome Raiders welcome, we have more for state of Dev don't we yes we have more it never ends so, we're also going to talk about last week's video do you do you know anything about that video Chase have you heard it, no I don't know anything about it but, yeah so if anyone if you guys have seen it, we we put a video out last week so obviously there was a teaser at the week before, but then this week I'll put the, Link in the old chatter Rooney here you are it's about the prior power priority switch and the power towers and, that's what we teased the week before a lot of people seem to really really enjoy that video and we're pretty excited by the features had a really really good, response actually so thank you very much everyone now the wiki people can finally update that the priority Powers which is an actual thing yes exactly this, this feature was leaked a while ago well yep yeah, and we were just like priority Powers which I don't know what you're talking about yeah yeah yeah, one thing that I kind of wanted to talk about is like why we leaked it in like update four or like we in a video for update four or something like that and it's like why did it take us so long to to get it into the game and it's, it's kind of hard to answer because this all like production wise happen like the production app of the game happened there wasn't anything specific about the features that made how hard it is it's like, we have to rework certain parts of the the game so then we we do that but we worked on other other parts instead so it's like well I think specifically where the power of priority switch to is is we wanted to include it in update four or five or something like that but it kept getting like pushed to the sideline because we ran into other issues and we needed to prioritize those things so like it was definitely a feature we knew we were going to add to the game for a long time yeah and and somehow I'm gonna have to, explain why to our boss why everyone was spam spamming, Power top power bottom power switch but, I'm sure I'm sure that conversation will go find yeah we're gonna get there anyways we're gonna talk about the Power Tower so so yeah, Power priority power switch or power wait which one is it it's priority power switch right priority power switch yeah there we go, it's essentially a smarter like switch to like make sure that when you're blowing fuses in your factory or circuits in your factory you can like sort of prioritize which sections of your factory go first yeah, and it's yeah so so if you're if your consumption basically you know, exceeds your production then it starts cutting off certain things in different fuse groups, until you can sustain, the power requirements of your factory yeah, so there's a lot of information about it in the in the video I think some of the key things about this feature if you missed the video though is, so there's that core functionality the other thing is that the, any PR priority power switch can manage any other switch so you can remotely do that kind of stuff and you can also remotely turn on and off switches which means you can theoretically remotely turn on and off sections of your factory so a lot of people have wanted like a central control center or something like that you can now have that but beyond that you can like much like the man with research you can kind of just like if you're out and about in the wild and you need to adjust something with your power you can just plop a switch right in front of you manage it and then dismantle it again so you can you can do that as well, I think one question that some people have had that wasn't clear in the video because it wasn't clarified in the video, is this question of like well if if every Power Switch can manage every other power switch does that mean like every Power network is now combined with these power switches like for example if I have two different power networks and and and they both each have something infused group seven and fuse Group Seven Trips on one of the power networks but the other power network still has power what happens does everything in fuse group 7 go down and both networks go down just because one went down and, the answer to that is no so when the fuse group shut shut down elements they shut down by fuse group but every element every buildable or, sorry every Power Switch, that is on the network that shutdown but other networks that still have power will remain on even if that fuse group shuts down does that make any sense this is probably confusing but it'll make sense yeah if you watch the video and you and you look at this part again I'm sure Marv will make a we'll make a clip of it, it'll it'll make sense but there are some people who are asking that question of like because there's eight fuse groups does that mean everything even if they're not in the same network like are our, share the same behavior when certain fuses trip the answer is no every network is still separate but you do only have those eight fuse groups to manage things, yeah I saw one comment saying it makes perfect sense so we're gonna just go with the general consensus of everyone yeah essentially, but yeah super cool and I think like there's a couple of use cases and I think you guys are gonna probably make up a bunch of really cool use cases one thing that made sense, when I was making the teaser video was when if you have like a coal power plant or something like that and you know when when power goes out you're losing power to your pumps which means you're losing out the water and then you need to like go and restart sort of your your Coal Power plan if the fuse is blown and like you're way off the map, this way you can sort of what I did in the teaser was have like your coal plant on one fuse group and then have everything else go running out from it from from separate fuse groups and then prioritize the the power plants so like if power goes it will go like the last use Group which will be the, or the highest priority fuse Group which would be the coal power plan would still stay on so like even if power if you lose power on your the rest of your factory your coal power plants will still be fine and then you can sort of figure out like what the issue is or you know rewrap power or whatever and you won't have to like run back to your cold power plant and like get those up and running manually and stuff like that so pretty dope, another interesting use case here that blinkable has has here which would make sense is, you could put like your hypertubes for example they have their hypertubes oh yeah on a separate kind of network and that you know that could just be part of your main network but in prior to group one so that like doesn't go down unless you can't power them, but you want to keep those powered so you can get around the map quickly if you need to fix stuff yeah so that's another really good use case, another question that I saw a bunch which I'm seeing now I forgot about is the undefined fuses or the unallocated ones do they shut down first, the thing about when they're undefined then they have no functionality they're they're the same as the as the the regular power switch apart from the fact that you can still toggle them on and off but they don't fuse trip anything they're just they're just a switch that does nothing, yeah yeah so it's it's like a yeah it's a backup system sort of you can set it up in the in that way like it's it's remote switch Yeah the system is sort of like you can sort of do what you want with with use groups you can sort of if you want to see it as like a backup sort of use system you can do it that way or you can set it up in a way where you just want to have be able to control sections of your Factor remotely or stuff like that do that too so there's there's a lot of like there's a lot of power yeah Power here's an interesting question and this is I'm not actually completely sure of this I need to check it wait yeah I'm actually not entirely sure but you still need to run all the way to the down fuse group to open the UI and switch the breaker back on, that I'm not sure and because I did some tests recently with some stuff and I got some Strange Behaviors but that was actually my fault it wasn't it wasn't broken and so now I'm kind of confused actually I might need to check that because I'm curious no you can wait I thought you could open it with the, you can you can you can turn on you can turn on the power switches but I think the question is about is that fuse of that whole network shut down and you have to pull the the breaker switch it's the thing that like remember when I was showing with biomass burners yeah and I thought I'd do that stuff manually I'm so I'm not entirely sure I just need to check but it's probably been accounted for yeah I'm pretty sure you can remotely do it because I'm pretty sure I did that when I was making my video yeah and I was far away and I turn it off and on just as you get the lights to flick off and on where I was yeah, so I'm pretty sure you you can do it remotely but, we can we can double check that yeah make sure we're not sharing false information which we would never do never never all the information I'm in is true especially here and if I was wrong just change the facts instead which station in the game yeah yeah just yeah exactly yeah, another thing that we also revealed in the trailer were the power Towers, and, yeah kind of self-explanatory I think most people figured out everything, it was a lot of fun to see people like sort of figure out what was the thing with the priority switcher switchers, but they feel like the Power Tower everyone pretty much got, like the logic of it so it's just like yeah there's a power top and a power bottom, type one in chat if you're a power top type 2 in chat if you're a power bottom and the the power top gives you access like being able to pull longer stretches of wire and the power bottom is so you can like hook up your factory or whatever, yeah yeah yeah yeah but, the other key thing with the, power lines is that, the the power top connections you can have like, your power lines can be about three times as long which is super good it makes it really easy when running, Power long distance not only that there's a version of the power towers that have platforms which makes it really easy to climb up and then like zipline and then build and then zipline and then build so it's, it's really really effective kind of feature you you also I think you also mentioned the video right there that like the build distance for power tires are also longer yep so you can like aim way yeah even even dismantling is longer I don't know if it's three times as long or not but it is longer yeah I think yeah I think it matches the length of the cable when I tested it out but, okay yeah but definitely you can build them like same distance and and, Gucci makes it a lot easier to like when you're pulling wire like power from a long distance makes it a lot easier using the power Towers, even though like maybe you don't want the aesthetic of it because like the paradise really like originally were we wanted to add more variety to to the aesthetic aspect of that building but then we added a bunch of features to it too but, it's pretty handy not have to, pull I saw a couple of people asking like if if we do this does that mean that we're going to stop giving power through like train lines and stuff like that and, I think the answer to that is no I don't know we're not going to change that aspect of the game, you're still going to be able to like use your train lines to like, transport power if you want to so if you don't like the power Towers you can still pull power the same way with your train tracks and stuff like that so should be fine another question that, people have asked also a little bit more nuanced here but from hasno are all connectors in the Power Tower automatically connected to the same network can you run separate power networks along the same Tower considering there are two separate connectors at the top so if you've seen the power Towers they do have two connectors at the top but the there that's just purely aesthetic it's just one line so when you go to build and connect things from the Power Tower at the top, it just it just drags out two lines even though it's just one power line it's just a visual thing so you can't do that power tires too big for the blueprint designer I don't think so, Power towers are I think they are pretty big taller like because they are everything that fit right
, yeah take it right now so I think they can oh live live testing yeah go for it because I think they fit, because they are same height ass, the coal generators and I think the coal generators we made it so that they would fit or maybe the bounding box is changed or not we'll see we're about to find out I think they will fit because I mean update right now whoa it's so cool whoa holy cow I can't believe how amazing this updated it's like a whole new game I wish you had like 14 lights that just made your entire cam like way Overexposed and [ __ ] yeah it starts shaking your apartment do you remember dude do you remember when we were on, God I can't remember who organized this if it was I think it was thunderfol where we want like a charity stream oh yeah Escape instead we before we had even shown any gameplay from satisfactory yeah I believe and we were like we opened the main menu and we're like all right Chad you can vote if you want us to play RuneScape instead or play satisfactory and then everyone voted RuneScape for some reason I couldn't believe it yeah it was wild so we played RuneScape for like two hours or whatever instead of playing satisfactory good [ __ ] is Jason now rendered with nanite oh yeah right that's just rendering then I you're yeah you're a big rock that's right rocking my ocean what was I testing again, if the, Tower Power towers are like can fit on the broken design blooper designer if you can create blueprints with the power tires essentially how do you play this again I'm kidding I'm kidding Jace the wrong Varley okay oh [ __ ] can you wait wait no I need to do that I didn't realize that I feel bad that's so funny actually what what what's going on wait goddamn my mic is in the way yeah David in the way that gotta works what's happening oh yeah right right oh it's used to be, lower oh the height is like wrong but whatever it's yeah I'm not gonna touch my camera my camera is on a [ __ ] rinky dinky like it took me ages to get it instead of it it does fit in the blueprint design oh hell yeah yeah confirmed confirmed can you make blueprints out of it though wait wait watch us find like a bug here oh my God yeah because for the longest time you couldn't sample the power Towers in the internal build, but you could sample everything else all right I'm gonna try building we're doing live [ __ ] debugging here yeah it works cool nice too bad no one can see it yeah no one can see that my Game just crashed yeah no I'm kidding it's fine it's actually fun all right closing enough people just spamming scene scene share screen nope yeah- I personally love it when when I'm watching a stream and it's so obvious that the streamer thinks they're on the gameplay theme but they're not oh yeah it's just so fun you get the tea tours and chat yeah you just watch them react to [ __ ] you have no idea what's going on I love that [ __ ], so yeah, yeah and yeah there's two types of power tires the one with the platform and one without the platform and that's pretty much it yes indeedy hmm nice easy money cool, yeah I saw the league content it was reflected in your post posters and the glass and the posters I saw everything just leaked, leaked the the motorcycle easy who who leaked, sorry what who leaked no no leaks actually no no everything's fine yeah never done that cool that's that's it for say to them man we spent [ __ ] 40 minutes that's a lot of Dev that's a lot of working hard yeah and okay state of the length of state of Dev on stream is directly proportional to how much work we actually got done right that's how that works right I must that must be how it works must be and in case you you just joined us we're just gonna repeat the the most important thing I guess which is that right as of now we have like an internal sort of deadline for update and we hope to be able to get it out sometime in June on experimental, but we'll see what happens that's right our deadline is an entire month yeah even that like it sounds like oh that sounds like a lot like oh it's kind of yeah it's still scary it's still like it a lot of time yeah but, yeah but then like as we'll go that that window will will shrink or or move who knows yeah do we have a command for update eight maybe we need to update that actually this is realized soon all right perfect that's accurate all right fine yep no need to change that