September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How much work does the Console port require?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How much work does the Console port require?

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how much work does the console Port require which features cannot be implemented because of this port so it is a ton of work it's like an entire Studio working separately on just porting the game to console, it is a massive undertaking, not only to Port the game to console and make it run on Console but also the control schemes and like you know all the the specifics that come with console there's going to be a lot of


, yeah there's so much that you guys don't think about that comes with when you're releasing your consoles, cuz like for instance there's no way to use like save files if you own the game on PC to be able to upload save files on consoles because they have their own, like, what do you call it like it's it's known it's the operating system you know what I mean, so there's a lot that goes into it not only to map it over to console but also performance is a huge thing we have to optimize it specifically for the hardware, and, hopefully we can get it to a good enough state where we feel happy with it you know obviously hard like obviously Hardware is a limiting factor with console Hardware is already a limiting factor for PC so you can imagine like how difficult it is to to optimize for for console as well, so we're we're going to talk more about this when we know more about the console launch of course, but we have to sort of set expectations a little bit for like what the console Port is going to be like, you know this is this is a game that's been made for PC first and foremost, and we've been developing it for PC for you know a long time so, yeah I don't know it's it's hard to to, to know for sure what it's going to be like but it it is a huge undertaking and, we hope it's going to we hope people will be really happy when when it comes out I bet autosave will be fun on Console I don't think autosave is that bad on Console at the moment actually, because we've managed to optimize Autos save so much, yeah but if the game is, oh sorry this I mixed up two questions here, but I don't know if we're going to try and not leave features for console you know like they we'll still want the same features set, there might be like small like interactive features you know that might not make it but as far as I know most things are like going to be for the console person