April 19th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Why was Unreal Engine used for the game?

April 19th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Why was Unreal Engine used for the game?


This question has a related video, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-PG2MZ4Fxun0">[https://youtu.be/PG2MZ4Fxun0 YouTube - April 19th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Why was Unreal Engine used for the game?]</ref>



why was unreal engine used for the game, any reason so I think office thing is always used unreal engine, it's, it's a good engine for these like type of like first person environmental type of games there's a lot of tools for that specifically, the like environmental tools that exist in the real inner are really good, and it's quite performant it's scales really well I think with these type of size of games, I'm sure there's other reasons why coffee stains specifically also picked it, and also like yeah we've used some really for a long time we also worked with epic since like sanctum so we already have like sort of a not I wouldn't say a partnership but like, like a relationship a relationship yeah I like- I don't think I don't think coffee scene has ever gone through the process of like let us analyze all the possible, engines out there like which is the thing I've been using because the thing for when they started off they made like a mod for some unreal engine game when they were doing some university study or something and then they were like all right this this was fun let's turn into a real game and then let's use the the same engine because we already made the mod in that engine right and then that turns into okay now we made a game in the engine why should we switch engine we tried it so I mean it could also be just circumstance so I mean there's a couple of reasons why many different companies use different engines just like just fits with what you're doing most parts yeah coffee has a history as using unreal engine