December 3rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is the Flying Crab Hatcher respawning intentional or a bug?

December 3rd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is the Flying Crab Hatcher respawning intentional or a bug?

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I've noticed that the flying crab hatchers the hatchers itself not the fly crabs do respond after them being destroyed is this intended or a bug this is depends it depends it depends on, how if you've built enough to to like, let's see so I don't remember the system fully but I think there's like for every spawner there's a system where like it checks, in the nearby area or maybe in the biome or something like that it checks every time you build a buildable it adds a point to that system, so like if you place a foundation that's like one point if you place like a a minor that's like five points or something I'm just making these up I actually don't know what the actual points are, and the spawners check like if it's about to spawn an enemy it checks whether or not there are more than a certain amount of points, in the area, I.E if you've built enough factories in nearby to not have it spawn and if you haven't then it should respawn, regardless of what it is, however if you're getting the issue where the Hat Sher respawns within your factory or something like that or, where it shouldn't or here's another ticker or here's another, thing too is like if you've built a factory and you power it down like it loses power and you run into that area and it checks like should I spawn if the factory isn't powered on it removes the sum of the points so it will respawn again so it might happen that if you run out of power and you run into an area it might respawn the Hatcher and maybe you don't notice and you run away and you start to factory up again and then suddenly the Hatcher is there because it's already respond, yeah exactly responding is is only suppressed by powered buildings exactly, you can get rid of it with foundations and whatnot but you have to build a lot of Foundations, so, that might be the case but it might also be the case that it's bugged, it's hard it's hard to say it's hard to tell from this question but this is this is that system it could also be the edge case this is the real the real Edge case yeah where you played before patch 105 and say in 104 and you killed only hatchers in that save and you built on top of that and then you waited until patch 10 5 you opened your game you saved and then you exited because you had to go like I don't know emergency you had to just leave the leave the room and you couldn't play the game until today and so you boot up the same game the same save file and you realize wait they're back these hatchers are killed why are they back that's because 105 respawned everything on the map yeah or 104 I think respawned all of them five or was it five yeah cuz aren't we on five now or the five before we are on no no no we we were we were on I believe s even we went to six after 5 immediately because of that thing and then we also went to S before 101 yeah there was a bug where everything respawned and if you if you saved during that patch then everything would have respawned yeah enjoy the double amount of sers Loops I guess, that traumatized me so I would always remember the number five