August 24th, 2021 Livestream Snutt Talk: Factory Cart shot in Ramp Railings teaser

August 24th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Factory Cart shot in Ramp Railings teaser

Snutt refers here specifically to the final in-game shot of the Factory Cart failing to grind the upcoming Ramp Railings:

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-P7tvzz24nkU">[ YouTube - August 24th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Factory Cart shot in Ramp Railings teaser]</ref>



damn right also just want to point out the the the I just realized this when I was watching it the the factory cart at the end that's legit the first take of that that's that's legit the first take like it's- I died when when I got that take like I wish I wish I recorded when I recorded that because I lost it like when I got that thing because like when when we were, when we were brainstorming the video, I legit had that shot in mind I was like oh it'd be cool to do like a railing thing like you see the factory car like grind the one thing I wish we'd added I realized that after was to like add a tony hawk like you know the point thing when you're riding on it like the points just stacking up as you're going down it ah missed opportunity but dude that that that shot I ah so happy I got that because like- I sort of knew how to build it I knew how to set it up and I practiced a little bit with like how to get the the cart going because that's legit in-game physics that's not me like you know we could like fully animate it and like have it slide around the railing and do like a cool shot or whatever but- I there's always something funny with like the the the physics in our game like specifically in multiplayer, they just give us funny results sometimes, in the current state and like it the game delivered in this instance holy I was so happy when I got that shot, and then I had like the the like minute of me just going like did I actually get it and I had to like go through the shot and like make sure that that actually saved it and then make a copy online so I didn't lose that cut holy