January 31st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How much better is internal build Blueprints compared to EA?

January 31st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: How much better is internal build Blueprints compared to EA?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: April 21st, 2023 Video Q&A: What is Blueprint Dismantle Mode? https://youtube.com/embed/ZDN_b6TX5gg?autoplay=1&start=426&end=511

This question has 2 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-OT6-9i4p5Dc">[https://youtu.be/OT6-9i4p5Dc YouTube - January 31st, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: How much better is internal build Blueprints compared to EA?]</ref>



how much better is internal build blueprints compared to the version we have in EA is probably worse because when we're changing things it breaks yeah, like even if we have like new features coming in you know like the the quality of them while we're working on them is not always the best so, but there there's there's yeah there's a couple of things we're working on that's pretty cool I would say 90 of, internal builds are are kind of trash yeah and then we have to fix them at the end you guys like we're just desperately trying to see if things work or not yeah let me tidy it up I just reminded of when when our keyword manager was on the stream a while ago and he was like you guys have no idea how broken this game can't be paid now like you have no idea what it's like when we're working on it that's why when people like talk about oh QA you know you know game tester you just get to play games all day it must be really fun it's like no you play the game in the worst possible State the least fun the most frustrating versions of a game like oh boy oh boy yeah especially on days where like you can't do anything in the game like the game just like crashes on start you're like oh no I guess second yeah blocked yeah there there are times yeah there are times where I just want to I just wanna I just didn't record some b-roll it's gonna take me 10 minutes not a big deal takes me two days because reasons yeah the game doesn't work properly you have to contact people like yeah and they're busy yeah yeah it's it's pretty frustrating but that's just how that's what it's like