November 17th, 2020 Livestream Trolling: Console Support

November 17th, 2020 Livestream

Trolling: Console Support

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support I think we have time for one more announcement all right let's do it one more announcement what should we enact okay, let's see depends what they want to know yeah what do they want to know console support oh yeah we should yeah consoles yeah yeah okay so, it's a lot of people have been asking us for console support for satisfactory and we can finally tell you that satisfactories come in console in 2021 on the ps5 the xbox series x and the ouya, the three major contenders out there, in june july and august separately, june 31st, they'll be dropping yeah, at that time so you can look forward to playing satisfactory on console, someone says nintendo I think that they went out of business already I don't think they no we're going to, you guys yeah, there is a slight caveat to it and that is that you need to have pt pre-installed on your console for it to run, but I'm pretty sure most people have it so I don't think you should be fine it's gonna be an issue yeah another prerequisite to consoles is you have to have a pc yeah so, looking forward to that all right we've already started the, the, process of, what's it called the, qa part where you're like send in to playstation certification process has been ongoing for two years now and we're closing in on the end part of it now so yeah there's still a few kinks to to iron out but, you can expect it roughly yeah yeah you have to have the epic store exactly right we have to have epic store on your, on your playstation as well yes it's exclusive on epic on playstation