August 24th, 2021 Livestream Snutt Talk: Development prioritisation

August 24th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Development prioritisation

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you mind the shaw bun I mean kanban method or is that a different one, implement the opportunity later versus yeah like like this is the thing with early access right that like we're not really like when we decide on what to do for each update it's it's it's not necessarily always tied to like what's the highest priority thing that community wants we would like to be able to do that, in certain situations but due to the way that sort of development works is that you know if there's an issue with a system that you know later down the line you're gonna rework or if you know that like here's an issue with this thing, and that in order for us to solve that we need to me remake this system but known as a remake system this system we need to remake this system because this system isn't supported with this feature that this system can't handle or whatever right, us spending time on like you know doing that whole shebang just for this tiny thing here at this point in time, is not super optimal whereas when we know that like we're gonna rework on this system first and then we can do all the things that are tied into this system and then we can jump over to that system and do all the things that are tied to that one and then we'll fix that bug right so and that's that's pretty much how development is going on so like when people are like I don't know frustrated that like why are you fixing this thing this is so obviously easy to fix, it has to do with that right like it's it's a balancing act between like when is it worth fixing like the most prioritized thing that community we really want versus fixing the thing that's gonna make it so that we can get to 1.0 faster you know that that's sort of the balancing act we have to do, and, and and that can be that can be a very feel very frustrating for you guys when you don't know sort of why things aren't you know done in a certain order, but really trust me like when we when we're aiming for like 1.0 I think we have like most things that people are you know annoyed by or bug fixes that we need to do to reach 1.0 like we're going to get to that eventually so we gotta hold on, optimization releases golf no no optimization happens all the time