March 9th, 2019 Livestream Q&A: What's the point of naming beacons?

March 9th, 2019 Livestream

Q&A: What's the point of naming beacons?

This question has a related video, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-NsywV9ie78k">[ YouTube - March 9th, 2019 Livestream - Q&A: What's the point of naming beacons?]</ref>



like you can like for me example when I find a good like, cold outpost where I want to build I'll just name it cold outpost so I know where to go for my cold and when now I'm not gonna say, another good thing is, the thing that was said, is, like you know the crash sites right you can find the crash sites and sometimes there's a cabin on one of the crash sites that you could open up and then there's like some good stuff in there but you can't open it because there needs to be like there's some wires missing called like quick wire so you need to get quick wire to put in there so you can open it and then you can get the contents but you don't have quick wire on you so you can put a beacon down and say crash site needs quick rock quick wire and then you go on and then when you get quick wire you can look on your map or whatever you see I mean it's like it's like in subnautica you also have beacons there because it's really hard to keep track of where you are and how to get to places and stuff yes