August 10th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: How big is the list of issues you need to resolve before Dedicated Servers are viable?

August 10th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: How big is the list of issues you need to resolve before Dedicated Servers are viable?

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how big is the list of issues that you need to resolve before dedicated servers are viable I don't know I don't know what that that that specific list of issues is and I don't really know if there is I don't know if that really makes sense to have like this is these are the things and once these are done then we're good, because there's also as we start developing the because there will also be issues with the dedicated servers themselves most likely that we would have to work the kinks out of too so there's going to be new things that pop up and the other tough thing is that when we add new things to the game anytime you add something to a game like that's hard and, you know it can introduce bugs make the game unstable and then you add multiplayer in and that like almost doubles the work sometimes like it becomes a nightmare so it's it's sort of it's sort of hard to say but but you know we're working towards it- I know I know y'all are are excited for it I know but, we're we're doing our best because the other thing is you know we we still have to make the game as well and you know we still sort of need to like like to finish the game we still need to create new features and stuff like that too so we need we need a lot of people doing a lot of different things