February 18th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Is there an update to the Lumen issue between Update 8 and 1.0?

February 18th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Is there an update to the Lumen issue between Update 8 and 1.0?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-NSkZ2R_Yfyo">[https://youtu.be/NSkZ2R_Yfyo YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Is there an update to the Lumen issue between Update 8 and 1.0?]</ref>



Mikel is there an update to the Lumen thing we discussed last stream and even the stream before that and the Lumen thing for anyone who miss out on that is the fact that Lumen was much brighter in update 8 versus now in 1.0, and the reasoning for that I have been updated on that and the reasoning for that was, so my initial claim was that we kind of didn't really find the downgrade in just in terms of like Shear brightness it is less Bright Now in 1.0 for sure, my first claim was that we didn't find that you know down down toning in brightness all that, all that big to deal with or like to address, that's not the full truth that's me not making it up but that's me like not entirely getting the full picture just well I got the full picture I just didn't understand the full picture so that's on me entirely, but the, the main problem is that we don't support Lumen officially which is always kind of important to understand and know realize when we talk about lumen is that we are like it's compatible the game is compatible with Lumen but we do not officially support it and the downgrade in Lumen that happened going from 8 to 1.0 is entirely on unreal side that was not something we decided, and this happened with I think it happened because update 1.0 transferred transitioned from one, unreal 5 to Unreal 5.3 I might get the number wrong sorry I'm tired, it might be yeah I think I think it's 5.3, the upgrade to Lum or update to Lumen happened with 5.3 the engine upgrade, which we then used starting 1.0 and since we do not officially support Lumen we kind of had no hands at all on how Lumen would be affected if you opt in to use it in s Factory specifically and the downgrade that did happen in terms of brightness from update 8 to update 1.0, was not big enough to Warrant us officially supporting Lumen is the correct statement here, if we could easily if it was a matter of just tweaking a number and you know upping brightness we would and the programs agree that the, and you know devs in agree that that's that's you know the better look update 8 is the kind of cooler look but since we don't officially support Lumen it is not that easy to get that number back back up to how it was in update 8 so we would have to actually, start officially supporting Lumen for us to properly be able to tweak that so what happens with Lumen for now is just out of our control in the game and that's how it stands so the very long end of that ramble which was long because it's been a question in the air for a while now is that it's going to stay like it is for now and we can't change it until we officially support the system sorry thank you, is the the Lumin update