May 9th, 2023 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

May 9th, 2023 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Intro

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thank you hello everybody what a fantastic Tuesday it is fantastic yeah wow 10 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. yeah would, Tuesday again what Tuesday every day actually at least it's not a Monday right thank God it's on a Monday why don't we just if Mondays are so [ __ ] why don't we just you know we work up until Saturday and then we have the weekend be Sunday and Monday sure on Tuesday hear me out what if we just skip Monday to Thursday and then Friday would become Monday so that would suck so wait the day would the week would be Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Saturday Sunday would be Friday Saturday Sunday and then Monday's where


, well Friday would become Monday because it's after the weekend right or like in a literal sense or like a metaphorical kind of it's kind of and then what happens when it when because when the planet goes around the Sun what happens in that case what are we like zooping around where Monday was before in that case you know we'll we'll figure it out as we go we don't have to yeah for now we're off from from current Monday to current Thursday and we'll figure it out from there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how you guys doing all right hopefully Zoop it around around yeah hello everyone yeah, update on Monday confirmed oh maybe maybe oh that's true that would be next Monday who knows can't release it then because it needs to be on a Tuesday yeah that's true turn Jay Subway turn Jason yeah wow you're super loud in the tech test but apparently I need to turn you up hmm am I peeking by the way maybe it's the no it shouldn't be you sound fine on Discord I don't know how you sound on the stream I don't know if the the it's a accurate representation of me really Discord might be changing things and and, yeah it's not an accurate reposition so it usually has a really rough and Gravelly deep yeah it's a bit loud oh that's the first usually Jason is the loud one I think it's maybe just me that needs to go up if I can you have yeah testing testing one two testing testing well we'll figure it out eventually wait I can like [ __ ] meter this what am I doing yeah I don't know man better Jace seems a bit more equal now better yeah better J slab never no good good now good now J sounds great all right why would you need a meter when we have Chad here yeah that's true Chad is my channel is quiet we're just gonna this is the entire stream just me back and forth like turn you up okay turn Jace down okay okay okay Goddamn voice yeah down one centimeter up one centimeter yeah yeah it's it's not about the sound it's about the visual right yeah Chad is too quiet yeah Chad is too quiet chat chat you're too quiet turn up turn up chat yeah that's the problem you guys need to turn up the volume on your computers oh silly just hit refresh I hear that's what every streamer says a little bit louder now yeah pajama llama says can't hear your butts it's because we haven't we haven't enabled our butt mics yet all right that's for two or four seconds do you know what I learned today you know, the genre butt Rock butt rock yeah have you ever heard of the genre of butt Rock oh okay the reason why why I started talking about the other day was because I was listening to the Sonic soundtrack and Sonic is like Sonic Adventures 2 specifically is like Infamous for like having a Buck Rock soundtrack and I was like where's that where's the expression butt Rock coming from like I hear it all the time it's like [ __ ] it's part of my vernacular but I never realized what is the origin and it's like from a radio show where they said they were playing nothing but Rock oh and then they made it and then they removed nothing so now there's nothing but Rock in the name like or it's just butt rocking yeah it's it's just butt Rock exactly it's like there's nothing but Rock now in the name too like ah so dumb my new favorite genre music yeah I'm gonna be vibing some butt rock this weekend anyways welcome to the Tuesday stream we're, we're hanging out and oh yeah it's like reminding like oh [ __ ] we're actually doing that's why we're here I forgot where I was first yeah yeah, where we hang out and and we talk about the game and, well we talk about how the game is not going who you know what I'm saying, and, check out what's going on in the community, the community is a lot more active than we are well that's not really true that's not true we're really active we are really active yeah it's just that you guys don't see it because because you're you're behind you're gated behind us essentially like we wear the bottleneck here yeah we should really be streaming 24 7 live development but yeah we should be should just put up a camera in the office and just have it like show a proof proof If there's actually people working in the game, yeah so we might as well just jump into state of debt right now because we're on that sort of on that topic already, so so if this is your first time tuning in on the stream, then you probably have no idea what's going on neither do we, this is also our first time on stream, don't tease us but, but if you have been tuning into the stream before you probably sort of already know the state of things, just a little bit of an update I guess but so we've been we've been sort of working in update 8 and we had like a we had like a plan of like how when we were gonna release it and we were sort of working towards that plan and a couple of weeks ago we sort of realized that like, actually actually yo, maybe not like it's probably not gonna work out so, the game is kind of like broken right now and it's it's partly because of the update Unreal Engine 5 upgrade that we did, there's a bunch of videos on this topic by the way if you're curious on their YouTube channel but, yeah it's partly that partly because of planning part because of yeah a bunch of different reasons that I don't want to go into but essentially the game is kind of broken right now and, we're working on fixing it essentially we put like the entire Studio on on this, on just fixing it up, we were gonna have like well we had a play test a while ago and we just realized like holy [ __ ] it's not it's not it's not a good State we just need to fix more, and we've been working on fixing the game for a while now and we are this week hopefully we're gonna have another play test, because we think the game is in a good enough State at least to have the play test now yeah actually there was a lot of progress a lot of progress made over the past week it seems yeah we get this really good we get this like, daily reports of bugs fixed every day and and there's there's been a ton of bugs fixed, but this is a couple of critical ones that you need to sort out but we're gonna have another play test this week hopefully and once we've had that play test you know then we're gonna be able to like better ascertain whether we need more time to fix or if we can sort of try and schedule something together and like based on like how much time we spend fixing up into that point like sort of you know trying to figure out like how much more time we need and stuff like that, so a lot of movements internally even though you guys don't see too much yeah, and that's pretty much the state of things as they are right now we still don't have like a date, but we're working towards that yep and, don't know I think like the it seemed like, the, the the progress has been like super good over the past week and I think like, the vibe is like improving stuff too as well so yeah I think, who knows if we keep this up if things keep going we should, we should have it out before you know it yeah also like right now folks it's out right now go get it no no don't lie, also want to mention real quick thank you for everyone reaching out this was we just put out a video two weeks ago I believe, and, just explaining the situation sort of and and thank you everyone who's reached out to us both us and the team and, because because it is it is a stressful situation for the team you know that's kind of the vibe I'm getting is that there's a lot of stuff go happening and, you know people really want to put out a good like the game they people want the game to be in a good State you know and, people are working really hard so, thank you for so for being so understanding and I think you said last week that was like we were not really surprised that you guys are so understanding that you are because usually you guys are excellent at like yeah knowing what's up, pretty much so super we couldn't have a better community in that right sense true yeah actually one of if not the best community in games folks thanks everyone helps a lot so yeah this community sucks less than most that's that's what I meant to say literally that yeah the bar is really low, Ultra to be asked to have you passed the point of no return if Unreal Engine 5 doesn't work out yeah I mean that point was passed in like January where we committed to it but the I like one thing I want to be really clear about like we didn't we didn't specify and be like where in this situation because unreal I did five I mean that's part of it right dealing with the engine and that change has been big but like there's been like a lot of like moving parts right making games isn't just like super straightforward and so there's like a lot of things that we have to like overcome and deal with, but I think we're sort of doing it and, the progress on unrelated five has been pretty phenomenal so I think it's, yeah hopefully it keeps up and it's one of those things where we're making this investment in upgrading to that engine and for future work more so than like where we are right now there's there's a little bit of growing pain right now but you know once we passed that, so there's a lot of potential for for how we can improve the game because partly I feel like we're sort of dependent on Epic for a lot of stuff, when it comes to certain things that we don't want to fix you know that are sort of issues with the sometimes with the engine or you know sometimes the bugs that that a lot of people have put a lot of time into fixing and then you know we're kind of just don't want to reinvent the wheel a lot of cases, so having the dependency on being on like the latest version of Unreal Engine is is really beneficial to us even though every time we upgraded it's always a bit of you know a couple issues pop up here and there, and it really is like especially in this case there's a lot of stuff that's broken that like our systems that we haven't even touched in like parts of the game that we haven't really even touched like that though when those issues happen it's kind of annoying and then on top of the things that we're working on so just like a huge pile of of of issues that we just have to like just get in there get in there get a huge pile at least two issues correct but but like the other thing is like, I don't know who wouldn't give off this vibe that we feel like oh [ __ ], this isn't gonna work like I don't think that's the case like when I think about like like the the stressful thing for the like this is my understanding of things the stressful thing for the team was like could we get everything done by the deadline like I don't know if there's anyone who's super concerned that will fix things like it we have more time now and everyone's fixing things it's it's so I think it's I think it's gonna be okay it's just it's just taking longer than usual yeah yeah we did account for a lot of issues and there were even more issues yeah that's all anyways not the first time we've played actually we did we did go a little while without like yeah we had a good streak for a while actually well we say that but it was but we did have like update, yeah I think like five and six five six maybe even seven seven yeah but I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pull the curtain back here a little bit of how the sausage is made yeah yeah we we hit the public deadlines with those I don't know if we necessarily hit our internal ones I think some of them might like we like like earlier on we added one or two more weeks or something I think if I remember correctly but yeah I mean that's just that's just how it goes yeah I actually remember it's not we did delay update five but update six was fine and then update seven was also fine because Update 7 was a thing where we said we're gonna work on the update until like this deadline and then whatever makes it and makes it in and then we'll work an experimental so that was a little bit cheating we were also cheating elevated with the public ones because like we waited for all like yeah exactly yeah yeah it's like next week let's go next week we're announcing it [ __ ] yeah we hit the deadline easy yeah yeah nailed it yeah yeah yeah first first try game's coming out tomorrow we nailed the deadline yeah all right