January 19th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Any plans for alternate Conveyor Belt layout modes, like how Pipes have multiple layout modes?

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Any plans for alternate Conveyor Belt layout modes, like how Pipes have multiple layout modes?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-N8GQDbxeYkE">[https://youtu.be/N8GQDbxeYkE YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Any plans for alternate Conveyor Belt layout modes, like how Pipes have multiple layout modes?]</ref>



okay now okay so the question is any plans for alternate conveyor belt layout modes like how pipes are multiple layout modes so essentially like add more when you're dragging it add more variation to how the the belts will like behave, that's not like off the table I would say, that's that's that's that's something we could do I guess I'm not sure I don't think there's a reasoning as to why we haven't done that yet or like I don't know if we have any strong opinions on that but make sure to check that on the questions site, and upload it if people I've I've seen some people talk about this, before so I know there's like a little bit of interest so if that gets uploaded then we'll consider it I guess noodle conveyor belts yeah exactly like making them always straight and stuff like that maybe that would be cool noodle mode aren't the conveyor belts in noodle mode already there's a different mode for pipes yeah if you hit what is it r, it will change how the pipes will like behave when when they're, how they will twist, so yeah