October 27th, 2020 Patch Notes Jace & Snutt Talk: Mk.1 Pumps

October 27th, 2020 Patch Notes

Jace & Snutt Talk: Mk.1 Pumps


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-MoAb27XIZWA">[https://youtu.be/MoAb27XIZWA YouTube - October 27th, 2020 Patch Notes - Jace & Snutt Talk: Mk.1 Pumps]</ref>



gonna be cool, what else what else well there were also the, the old pumparoonies yeah you pumps in there if you didn't notice so one thing I'm a little bit disappointed that I haven't seen a lot of people notice this but some people have pointed this out and the fact that the pumps the mark one pumps that you see in the trailer they look a bit different and the difference there is that they're way smaller so we've reduced the size of mark 1 pumps quite significantly actually it's like 70 or something like that, just because we felt that they were clipping too often and it was so hard for people to, like to place them properly without them clip into the ground or clip into like your foundation so what not, even in this demo, it was still like kind of clutch, but yeah so now you can now you can now they're smaller and you also gave you the option now to rotate them when you place them so it's no longer like a one-click thing it's like you place them and then you rotate them to whatever angle you want them to even make it better so you don't get clipping issues to improve clipping issues even more so now you have more options with the pumps and how you place them