May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Do you have any concerns about the success of Foundry?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Do you have any concerns about the success of Foundry?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-MdSbdwd3YVQ">[ YouTube - May 14th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Do you have any concerns about the success of Foundry?]</ref>




do you have any concerns about the success of Foundry no why would we be good for them- I mean that's great that's awesome Foundry mini game satisfactory how hard can it be to put Foundry in


satisfactory is Foundry Paradox I didn't wait really is it no it's I thought Foundry was Microsoft maybe, oh yeah publisher par Paradox oh okay cool developer Channel making Foundry- I haven't actually channel three apparently channel 3 channel


three cool I don't play games no apparently it's their first game so you know hot stuff