November 22nd, 2022 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Existential trolling, uncut

November 22nd, 2022 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Existential trolling, uncut

00:00 Intro
00:12 Schrödinger's Community Managers
01:24 Community FYI: Feeling that, I only exist as a CM when there's something to complain about
02:24 Community FYI: Just wait until you release the game
04:18 Community FYI: 1.0 should not crash
07:31 We're going to do our best
08:41 Community FYI: Give the whole team a big hug

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most of these things guys, it's cool to Theory craft it with you guys but just know that you have to go to the QA site if it's not there it doesn't exist I mean it's true yeah because actually the fun fact is after string between streams and I cease to exist completely where where like the was it the double slit experiment where like when you're not watching us or maybe Shredder's cat we're schroding is community match yeah yeah yeah as soon as you stop looking at us we just you don't know if we exist or not we might be, it's nothing double slit okay like you have to observe us first too but also we're also shorting is live streamers yes at, 4 P.M every Tuesday we collapse into alone, we're not live until we collapse into one yes see because no one else is here on the channel and watching the rest of the week so it doesn't happen but enough of you come at to the Stream on Tuesday that happens bye sorry my mind is blown- I don't know What I Am anymore who am I feeling that I as a CM myself only exist where there's something to complain about I get the feels but also we're kind of lucky here I think because I think people don't- I think that there's a lot of community managers who pretty much only ever get deal with people who are like complaining or upset with something or whatever but I don't think that's the case with snow and I no, I think we we get a healthy dose of people who are just chilling yeah it's it's definitely I don't know and I don't know don't know if that's just like because we've managed to like moderate it in such a way where we end up in that situation or if if we just have an awesome community, and I think it's maybe a bit of both but mostly the other one the second one yeah I don't know because like since day one our community has been pretty wholesome yeah that's true just waiting to release the game yeah that's true when we no longer can hide behind the facade of, it's early access guys it's just Early Access don't don't be so harsh on us that's when it all crumbles is that what we're hiding behind sure I mean we technically can, are we, I don't know I think I think yeah mostly reflect on that because I do say a lot of people when like people are talking about books and stuff on on forums that like yeah but it's an early access game so it's okay yeah like- I guess I guess to a certain degree but yes yeah I don't know but when we're in 1.0 we're on our own we're dead in the water mate there's no, there's no excuses anymore yeah I don't know I think when that comes around I think the the reality is is like even at 1.0 I imagine there's gonna be bugs I mean hopefully there'll be less yeah I mean there will be absolutely none is ridiculous because that's I don't know I think it will be very similar to do our best when we did the initial launch of the game you know like I think it's gonna be a similar experience to that, because it is it is going to be interesting to see how sort of people will view the game when it's not early access or if like people do view it differently because it is early access like because this is the first game I've ever released I was in Early Access and it's quite it's a I remember how [ __ ] weird it felt to work on a game that wasn't like finished when we launched it because I've that's that's new to me and I'm like but you you can't wait can you do that it's like how does it work but it's totally like a, you know it's a different type of delivery of the game when you do it that way it's not like it's not finished really but that's how it felt to me at the time but it definitely is like its own sort of yeah so we've got a couple of people here saying like yeah 1.0 should not crash but this is like an interesting I mean- I agree it should be should be stable right but if if you if your game goes out to 3 million plus people who have varying Hardware is it ever going to crash yes I mean it's gonna crash yeah it's gonna crash it will crash- I do literally nothing anyone can ever do about that so it's not about whether it will or will not crash it's like well what degree is acceptable and what frequency right because like I do agree that like yeah at 1.0 the game should be stable but I also feel like if you're releasing an earliest access it should also be stable so it's not like we're just like no we're not fixing this because we're in Early Access like that's definitely not the case we are fixing we want to make sure that people can play the game yeah, I kind of feel I kind of feel like we're we're doing we're doing our best now anyway I don't think we're cutting really too many corners like the the only I suppose the difference between this and a 1.0 release could be that we can dedicate more time to making sure things are even more stable because we know what we're doing and we're not we're not working on things that are going to come later right because it's like we're making this game and we're done now so we're gonna stabilize it so like that's something we can do yeah because like to me it's it's about how since we're still developing the game there are a bunch of things where it might not be the best of our interest to you know dedicate time on fixing something that we know we need to rework anyways later yeah yeah so like there's no point in fixing a bug we know that we'll get fixed once we replace the entire system, whereas when you launch like a game where you would say like this is a finished product then you kind of like need to be more in maintenance mode I guess and be like we have to maintain whatever we put out so I think really like from from my point of view like that's the only real differences like you know that you're still developing the game actively, but like from our when it comes to QA and stuff like that I think we've always been sort of we think it's important that the game is playable and like it's in this such a good state that it is enjoyable like the issues that we do have aren't necessarily game breaking issues yeah, for the most part who knows maybe we still can do better and I think like there'll be like a mindset change right where because right now one thing that we have to focus a lot on is we need to make sure we keep moving forward because something that we struggled with before is like stagnating getting too caught up in things not really getting things done and when we're trying to finish a game and we're distracted by like everything like oh shiny thing here oh maybe new feature right like we're never gonna finish yeah at that point right yeah but and that makes sense in that case where we have to then like we have to weigh up all our options and we're like well we need to we need to prioritize moving forward in the Early Access as well but when we get to 1.0 maybe we don't have that really anymore right so we can just be like no we just, just just fix things yeah should be good I don't know we're just gonna do our best guys we'll see what happens yeah- I know I know if I were if I wanted to be really really reassuring I'll be like everything's gonna be fine but I'm a very realistic person and I don't know if it's gonna be fine yeah I was just gonna do our best guys that's all we can do that's that's that's that's always how we've been trying to get this at least like it's we don't know everything like it's it's that's the point, I have no idea if we'll meet expectations or not we'll find out yeah we just hope I mean we don't people get mad okay even before we launched the game we were quite nervous about like is this actually a game people want to play like it or buy like yeah apparently our ability to to predict the future is completely awful we've gotten everything wrong but, We've failed successfully anyway because we still have a good game and a great community so you have to follow up or whatever the quote is yeah exactly we've absolutely pulled up yeah pull it up the stairs yeah


glad to have you all along for the ride though yeah for sure gonna be fun guys oh it just gives give student Jace a big hug give the whole team a big hug because they actually make the game, we we did work on the game but we don't really do it anymore yes