March 7th, 2023 Livestream
Q&A: Do you think the coolest feature is yet to come, in your opinions?
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<ref name="yt-LtZDN5BDlwg">[ YouTube - March 7th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Do you think the coolest feature is yet to come, in your opinions?]</ref>
do you think the coolest update feature is yet to come in your opinions alright so as a community manager or if I if if if my role was to market the game I'd be like oh no the coolest stuff is is coming yeah you gotta you better you better follow and and check out the coolest stuff is yet you thought in the last update was good it's just it's gonna get better, the reality is I'm not actually sure I maybe maybe the best who knows maybe it is downhill from here I'm not sure because the reality is like most of the game is done right and most of the core features are done there are absolutely cool stuff coming and it really is up to you to decide whether that's like better for or not but, you know like a lot of the content that's coming is rounding out the game that we already have so like I don't know like pipes might actually be the biggest the best content or or or maybe even, soft clearance might even be like these these are like game changing features I don't know if we have features that are gonna change the game like that again do we want the game to change like that again I'm not sure, yeah so like as the game grows and fills up the space that it needs there's less room for the game to grow basically so like I think I think it's it's it's probably the case that the coolest updates have happened maybe maybe am I gonna get fired for saying that who knows who knows lost Street maybe yeah you're not doing your job proper but I kind of I kind of agree though because like- I am I am super stoked for 1.0 release because there is a lot of stuff in there, that is very new to the game, I would say but at the same time yeah like you mentioned like we are working on rounding up the game and we are working on fixing a lot of stuff and I honestly if anything that's the thing that I'm looking forward to the most is just getting the like making the full package more more so than like adding a specific thing or yeah, I just want it to be over man I do I do look forward to that this is a weird thing to talk about I suppose on a Dev stream but like, I mean when you're doing something the same thing for so long it's inevitable that you're gonna be like- I do look forward to the day where we can sit back and go ah you know like not not like a oh I'm glad it's over but like you can look back and go oh we did done we did it we did it we did we actually did it we started a thing we start you know and then when we finished it, that's you know it's super super good but yeah anyway I hope that answers the the question I think it does yeah I also think there's probably a bunch of stuff that we on paper we see like oh that's a thing and then we try it out we're like oh actually this is a huge thing yeah
because I haven't tried what's the full package true because because like I only really try the new stuff or like really get into it and when we start making the videos and then I'm like well this is kind of cool actually I mean it's kind of revealing I don't know so yeah yep