September 8th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: A hard-reset option for the paint presets used for the painted surfaces

September 8th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: A hard-reset option for the paint presets used for the painted surfaces

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-LZvHStKqoQI">[ YouTube - September 8th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: A hard-reset option for the paint presets used for the painted surfaces]</ref>



let's see- I need a hard reset option, for the paint presets used for all painted services surfaces so everything is it's not gonna start from scratch how can I do this kind of fine, I don't know if you have anything and I don't know if you can do that yeah I don't think so yeah to just set everything back to default so they can start from scratch, you know what I think that's, questions that's a good call for sure so yeah we have a we have a we have a qa site where you can add suggestions and questions you know and bug reports I just put the command in and that's a really good suggestion anyone else who has like good suggestions you can go there and leave your suggestions there or look for suggestions that are the same as yours and upload those, we read everything there, we cannot always respond to or you know action on everything but we do read it all and it it really it makes a difference like it's way more useful than like if you tell us in in chat here on twitch or in a dm on like discord or something that's not to say don't say it in chat I'm just saying where the most value lies in that on that website