April 27th, 2021 Livestream Snutt Talk: Pros & Cons of having Satisfactory in Early Access

April 27th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Pros & Cons of having Satisfactory in Early Access


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-KrDyv_wspsU">[https://youtu.be/KrDyv_wspsU YouTube - April 27th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Pros & Cons of having Satisfactory in Early Access]</ref>



that's that's something that, ties into the fact that this game is in early access and kind of like there are this is this is a major topic and I'm just gonna try and touch a little bit about like how we kind of approach this, so so the game is an early access you probably know this, and there are pros and cons of having a game in early access right pros are obviously that we can adapt a lot better to you guys's feedback and you know what's going on in development-wise, the cons are however that it's really hard to maintain the game in the current way it is, if we could we would have loved to have like the same quality and like they quit saying quality assurance rather on the game throughout the whole duration of early access so it's like it's a final like we wish we could have the same quality of like the final product, during the whole duration of early access but unfortunately the way things are with development that that's impossible, and why do I bring this up well it's because I saw someone playing about multiplayer books like there are bugs in the game okay that's that's not everybody knows this okay and it may be frustrating for you guys to just like be like why haven't you fixed this tiny bug that's been in the game since launch or why haven't you fixed this kind of major bug even bugs confirmed we knew there were bugs okay let's not dance around this okay, the game isn't perfect and and that's unfortunately kind of the way the cookie crumbles when you're doing an early access game we try to make our releases as stable as possible and we try to you know make it as less of a frustrating experience as we can when it comes to those sort of things but it's a tricky balance you know we because we also have you know an end goal for satisfactory we don't want to be working on this game for forever we want to finish it at some point we have ideas of like what the the final products product 1.0 if you will of what the game is going to be like, and the fortunate situation is that if we were to like con to like continuously work on, bugs and fixing those things we would be pushing that like that release further and further back, so sometimes we kind of have to make you know this decision to like move on and and focus on like improving when it's coming next, rather than improving like the current version of the game because the current version of the game isn't done okay that's the main reason why I bring all this up so it can be really frustrating for you guys especially if you see let's like you know acknowledging that there are issues in the game that we aren't able to fix currently, just know that this is kind of like the nature of early access and this is just how this is just how it's going to be for a while or it has been you know since launch, and, I really hope we don't come off as like that that we're just ignoring you know what's going on or issues that you guys are having we really care it's just that this is this is a tricky balance, and we have to move on at some point- I don't feel like we've we talked a lot about this, for a while because to me it kind of feels like the game is you know I mean we have released the game to some extent you know right so so it feels like an obligation from from our point of view to like try and make it you know ass, what's the word as accessible I guess maybe, to everyone as possible but there are gonna be occasions where you know some people have like very specific issues with the game, that like we we we could fix but we'd have to spend you know a certain amount of time on that, and this is specifically related to multiple issues because multiple issues are the hardest to track down what the issue are like when people are having connectivity issues and you know there's nothing in the logs there's nothing we can see on our end it just makes it so that like like the only way for us in certain cases in certain issues in order for us to like figure out what's going wrong we would have to get like go to your computer and like go to your specific network set setup and like all the people that you're connected to and like troubleshoot that and that's just like so much effort and that's not something we can always we do that sometimes but it's not all something that we can always always do unfortunately so sometimes we kind of just like have to move on and, and and work on like what's coming next and and come back to those issues later and it's I know that's frustrating to hear, but but that be like a do and if you are one of those people that like, are kind of nervous about like what's coming next and if it breaks anything just know that the game is drm free so you can always like save the game on your hard drive or whatever and just keep it and then if steam overrides it and you want to fall back then you can do that so yeah