March 30th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What's the Object Limit?

March 30th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What's the Object Limit?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: July 6th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What does the Object Limit refer to exactly?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-KjV7JMFQ3Is">[ YouTube - March 30th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: What's the Object Limit?]</ref>



what's the object so I again- I say this every time and I know I'm not going to be able to to, educate enough people so that this this will change but it's it's not an object limit you guys it's a memory limit it's a memory limit of how many objects the engine can keep track of at a time and it's not an object in terms of like physical objects in the world it's memory allocated memory like spaces and those are referred to as memory objects because of programming paradigms it's it's it's memory objects not game objects a game object can have many memory objects and a game object can have n number of memory objects so it's not one to one either so but the limit is like something two million u objects that's why I always like I want to point out that it's you object not object limits, and I've explained this a billion times and it's it's it really isn't if you're not a programmer this doesn't make sense because of the way we it's a linguistic thing the way we describe it, the fact that we we need programming we kind of need to like create physical things to talk about we need to anthropomorphize some things because it makes makes it easier to talk about things and that's kind of like kind of up when we talk about this thing yeah I'm a programmer it makes a perfect sense yeah but the people that aren't programmers it doesn't make sense so people think oh object limit that must be game objects but that's not the case so that's why it's kind of confusing, because we can't change the the u object limit we can't optimize for it so potentially you could if you build like x amount of objects and it crashes the game and hit that limit we could optimize it so that you could potentially load that game again without changing the limit yeah it's an engine limit and another thing to point out as well it's an engine limit but you can technically increase it if you go to the config files but we don't recommend that because we don't know what happens if you do you can get very weird memory issues, when you play the game and it can be as bad as it corrupts your save file and it in fact has happened for people so we know it can happen, that's why we don't recommend it if you do want if you have built a base that's so big that you hit that limit then what you can do is back up your save file then go into the config files and change it but be aware that that may cause issues down the line and if we do optimize the game further down the line where the limit is better the config files will not get overridden so your manual change of the config files will still persist and you could potentially be playing a version of the game where we've fixed most of those issues and you get a corrupt save file and that sucks so that's why we're really clear about the fact that there is a way for you but we don't recommend it because it could cause issues, so you're you're 100 on your own if you if you do that but we we are not stopping you you're free to do whatever you want there but just know that this is a complicated problem so re like really read up on it, before doing anything and read up on it means listen to us don't listen to community community because this is like super construed what people think the problem is and what the solution is and the idea of how it works like there are I think we've put out some video about it somewhere around where you can quote that or maybe we should make a video about it or something I don't know it's kind of scary also because we don't want you guys to like build in a certain way that like is optimized because that's not fun it's, it's on us to make the game fit your play needs you know it shouldn't be the other way around maybe it's it's the other way around for now because we're still optimizing the game and the game isn't done and if you want to like keep playing maybe you need to but it shouldn't be on you guys it should be on us to fix those kind of things all right I always get so flushed when I talk about this but it's just like it's it's a it's a it's a little bit frustrating for me because it's so misconstrued in community people talk about it in one way but it doesn't work that way, and it's just really hard to get that information out because it's a complicated subject and there's no like easy easy way to explain it I think, so I can only keep trying but I'm also okay with it the fact that like this is the way you get as a community manager like you never reach everyone there's always going to be misconceptions about everything so, but yeah I'll I'll keep explaining it as many times as I as I need to, for as long as that problem exists I don't mind it, we just gotta keep doing our best you know