December 11th, 2022 Video Colour grading

December 11th, 2022 Video

Colour grading

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so what are you doing look at all the colors what's that force not that's for when I do color grading you actually show that if you unlock the the there's two layers on top of that adjustment layers if you unlock those and then just like disable them this is what it looks like when it comes out of the camera it's shot in log format which is like a format where you get more color space but it looks like dog [ __ ] so you have to like fix it so the first the the one that's like right above the Blue Line the first V2 is the correction and when I'm doing the correction which creates like a Rec 709 you're Frozen for some reason, all right now you're not it's because I'm very oh wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up there we go I look like I'm moving on screen now I had to I think I have to move this here maybe is that why people shattered muted no okay let's see looks like you're working hmm yeah okay I think it's working now okay so yeah, so yeah like we the first thing you do is you create like a default color space so you like get the right colors from what you shot and that's what I use that like the little plate for see that has all the different colors and there's also software you can use to like spec out like here's the color chart in the video and then it automatically like figures that [ __ ] out oh is this like a standard layout or something yeah it doesn't always work, and it doesn't always produce like the best colors, to match what actually what the environment actually looked like, so- I usually just enable that first and then check what it looks like and be like all right cool because like the your shirt when I use that plug-in looked [ __ ] crazy oh really you're yeah your purple shirt looked insane and super grainy, because it was trying to like correct for something that I'm not quite sure what the hell was going on so I had to like fiddle around a lot with with that to make it match, there's a few shots in this video where like the color of your shirt doesn't match like all the shots throughout the video but it's like close enough with the color space that I have and with like then on top of b-roll in between people aren't going to see the difference yeah exactly exactly like you only see really if you put them side to side, and then the second layer you have on top of that is like the creative layer, where I just add like the typical orange and teal look, that's in like 90 of the movies you see where our skin colors are same and then all the Shadows are blued or like- I just increased Blues in the shadows and then the exception is our skin colors so like our skin colors, and then there's also like I also grade the the color because there's like there's a skin line is what it's called, where like human skin regardless of like what color people's skin are they all follow like the same gradient or something okay, so like if you make sure that the color of someone's skin follows that line then your Gucci essentially okay and that creates that orange and tea look nice do you use lumetry for this, yes for this I usually use a different plugin because I you don't really have a lot of this is like one of the things where DaVinci Resolve is so much better than Premiere yeah color grading is so much easier and you have so much more control over it but the thing with, with like using plugins and stuff like that if you're handing the product over to someone else they don't have those plugins it messes up then it doesn't work they have to have like so so either you have to like render out the the shots and then send them over back again usually what big Productions Do Is they they film everything and they edit it and they're like cool and then they freeze the edit and then they send it off to color grading and then they do all that stuff separately yeah but it didn't really work for for the way we do it especially I think especially since, because did you use resolve before with patch notes videos right yeah in this case like you had to leave yeah so like yeah it really wasn't an option I guess yeah so I use lumature for this I hate using limitry because it's really tricky to use but you can you can get the same effect like with any plug-in really but it's just finicky to use it okay it makes it easier to work with for everyone else oh wow wow we also forgot to do it in a couple of scenes and those scenes are the ones that like aren't as good color space wise because I had to like just [ __ ] wing it okay this is the hypnotize the audience you will have fun you will have fun yeah that's just a white balance which we didn't really need to set too much actually because I managed to nail it every single time good one by hand oh and modest hell yeah I don't know if