December 11th, 2022 Video Blueprint Designer reveal

December 11th, 2022 Video

Blueprint Designer reveal

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all right I'm back whoa what do you think what what is that thing well snook allow me to introduce you to the blueprint designer y'all have been asking for something like this for a long time and here we are introducing blueprints so this is actually a pretty interesting thing so just before I was talking about transitions right well you need to like it's important to like be deliberate about your transitions not only that this is like our big feature of update seven right and normally if you think back to the particle accelerator, or lights or, dedicated servers you know like you know it's really really impactful right that's how it normally is but we weren't really sure hey how to do it also we're sort of at running out of time, you know and then you know we only had certain things to work with especially like with the script maybe that actually should have been different not sure but, I think what Mason came up with was actually really interesting and really it's it's unlike the rest of the video and it's unlike most of our videos where the same song plays through somehow we found this song where it feels really good it plays through from this segment to cutting back to us and our acting parts and then it works for the reveal as well and it ties all this whole power thing together I don't know it's to me it like it like there's no like there's no clear transition but it works really well and I don't really know how he managed that but it was really good 100 of your baseball production was the like sound effect there from the song that I'm not sure of it could have that may have been added by Dennis I'm not too sure if that's in the song or not but yeah because it's a really good like flavor thing where you hear like the thing boot up even though the designer doesn't really boot up you kind of need that for the reveal even though it doesn't make sense yeah like flavor-wise yes it primes the camera right like yeah something is about to happen right power plants will also use less water now to accommodate for these changes making fully overclocked nuclear power plants and I'm back whoa what do you think what what is that thing well snook allow me to introduce you to the blueprint designer y'all have been asking for something and then Mason actually had created I think was it you or Mason who made this shot so it wasn't this shot actually it was a different show it was like so I so I made almost this exact shot but like a different type of pan I think it was the camera's lower yeah, and I'm assuming Lena's re-did this yeah yeah exactly, yeah it's funny too because like he redid this without my save file and everything so he rebuilt the entire room apparently yeah yeah he did because like he was like did Mason make that or not, because the reason was because we wanted he he redid the same shot, and we were thinking like so because he was like I don't know if Mason did this and he's like I don't know if we should make the change and use my shot instead of theirs are they gonna be okay they made this shot and we took it out like are they gonna be okay with that but then at the end of the day like the big justification was, I mean I like this shot something like that for a long time and here we are introducing blueprints we have this follow-up shot build layouts can now be saved which you didn't have before then a module with a maximum dimension of 32 cubic meters and then there was this shot that I think Mason took but it was it was not it was much simpler yeah it wasn't this exactly oh okay gotcha yeah it was just the designer bench with a with like a background, and we thought that it could have been a little bit more interesting so like Linus did it with the Cinematic cameras in the engine, and, put the Pioneer in there and then use the same space for it so like the other justification of rebuilding all that stuff, was that we could have these follow-up shots where everything is in the the same space yeah, yeah so 32 meters so people have pointed out live and in the comments and right now that 32 meters by 32 meters by 32 meters is not 32 cubic meters, true my bad aren't just saying aren't you saying 32 cubed meters, I said meters cubed I think within a module with a maximum dimension of 32 cubic meters cubic meters oh not meters cubed right if it was mean as cubed that would have been right right I think that's what I thought it said in the script yeah see yeah so like when that happened live like my my my stomach sank I was like oh that's so embarrassing, but then I was like it's so funny because I had the script other people checked it other people checked it I was gonna say like it goes through like six people yeah yeah and nobody caught catches that yeah yeah so oh well that happens that happens surprisingly a lot actually like you wouldn't believe it but I think it's a bit that like people trust maybe that other people don't make mistakes or something like that yeah yeah it just happens, no no need to apologize it's cool yeah no well it's it's a little blunder but it's not a big deal I'm the thing I'm glad about is that I think that even though it's incorrect people will know what I'm I mean I think right because yeah yeah 32 cubed meters true Lost in Translation exactly, hazy cups These Blueprints can then be constructed wherever you want making time no mistakes can ever be made by anyone exactly it ever must must be corrected at all times true I'm consuming build configurations much easier blueprints will need to be created in the blueprint designer as you can't take an existing Factory layout and slap that into a blueprint The Limited space makes it so that you'll have to come out with and plan out ways and how you assemble and combine your Blueprints and we think this will quite drastically change how you plan out your factory designs blueprints will also be saved into their own blueprint file on your hard drive this means that blueprints will be available to all of your save files assuming you have unlocked the required research yeah so, this so this is a shot that I took from people who watch me play satisfactory on stream not that I do it all the time but when I do this is my save you may recognize it, yeah so we had a bug and it was it was inexperimental for quite a long time and I didn't see a lot of people talk about it but when you built blueprints everything was these big cubes for some reason, thank you very much for the follow-up, big cubes for some reason and I was like wait this is not how blueprints is supposed to look and so like when I took some footage or Mason took footage and like there were these big blocky cubes and I was like this is not right this looks kind of weird and- I didn't think that we did we have to do this for optimization reasons so this is what I reached out to Ben he was like yeah that's not right he's like I'll fix that and so that like the Monday the day before he fixed it, and- I believe that's now fixed for everyone live as well I think so, yeah just to place them and can be shared with others however they will unfortunately not take advantage of cloud storage so be mindful of that if you're hopping between PCS neat so, this part, was not in the script, you I'll show some outtakes of it later but yeah it just kind of came up in the in the you know at the moment we were both really tired here and I was just thinking people are always a lot of people were saying oh it should be bigger it should be bigger, so that's why I thought I'd just say this and and it wasn't in the script and I don't think you knew how to respond or you didn't want to go there also the edit that I got of this had this part cut out like it had that could be bigger, I think it had that could be bigger I can't remember but it didn't have the loft or anything it just moved on no for sure yes and I was like no we cut here we zoom in we we let it go, yeah neat it could be bigger because like the reaction I have from this scene is like that is the reaction we get we're like that is my legit reaction when people are like oh why is it only 32 by 33 to do I'm like, -huh yes that's why, -huh so yeah dude I don't even work anymore the Clones just kind of do everything they just worked like one day a month and I just chill and play RuneScape what do they eat each other that line, when I was writing the script it just like it just spilled out into the document into the script before I even knew what was going to happen what do they eat each other RuneScape it was muscle memory yeah what did they eat just each other I started laughing I was just like I burst out laughing at my desk when I wrote that I was like ah perfect yeah I think that's that's the key sign that like if if something you're right makes you laugh then you keep it yeah yeah exactly I want to try