December 11th, 2022 Video Power Shards

December 11th, 2022 Video

Power Shards

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oh boy it's really dark in here yeah and it seems like the power is out we're gonna need some juice absolutely not that not that kind of juice yeah yeah hour right, well I can go and overclock the generator you got any power shards on you I don't, but I did see some in the fridge earlier oh yeah right, but they had had Simon's name on it did it yeah okay he won't mind I'll go get it I'll be right back all right while while Jace goes gets the power shards maybe I can talk a little bit about overclocking and update seven yeah maybe you could talk about that maybe what if I what if I do yeah maybe you should maybe you should it's not you know what, this shot was like like one of the last things we did on the day and we were pretty tired this whole segment right this is the last so it was the blueprint part off this which was the last part, I would say like this shot here I wish we could have done a little bit more with but we just didn't have the time we're running out of time running out of energy like yeah I feel like, yeah but I think it's okay I also think one one thing I do like about it though is it it creates a lot of space for the whole Simon foreshadowing it it like it gets I don't know to me it puts a bit of focus on that so I did like that about this this shot yeah what would you like to have changed with this I'm honestly not entirely sure like I just feel like maybe like the one shot where it holds on us for a long time that nothing really happens that's the thing you know and so normally when that happens you might want to break it up with different angles or something like that so like visually more is happening not only that it's a it's like a really dark shot so you can hardly see like all the details and things so like to me I'm kind of like it feels a little bit too long of a shot for not much happening with little detail that's just how I felt about it, but there is something that happens and it's the mention of Simon, and it does you know it pushes things along it's it's fine, but like I would say that this is like one area where I was like maybe something could have been done but yeah I don't know like are you are you like totally cool with this or like the shot like do you feel do you feel like it could have been different too like what's your yeah I definitely think it could have been, different I like that- I think it's it's a bit cool that we stuck around for like a this dark shot for so long because this is this the longest take in in the entire video and it's it's kind of like not bold but like the fact that we did do it on this shot is kind of cool but I agree that you know because if we were to do something different, like I also don't know what we would have done yeah to break it up, because like even if you do like a close-up or whatever it still wouldn't you'd still wanted to be dark or like you know and and and and I guess in a way it does make it stand out a little because- I you know if yeah it's actually a good point because if this was a shot where it was like these like shots back and forth you know close up on me close up on you putting aside the fact that it's really dark and you wouldn't see anything like like then what would the shot be right like then this looks like a generic anything else yeah I mean yeah if anything you want to go with something like maybe would have like a night vision thing going on or you know maybe one of us has like a night vision goggle or you know something breaks it up the scene or I don't know or eyes in the dark you know like or something goofy like that I don't know yeah but it's it's sometimes sometimes when you when you record stuff and you think about like what is the effort you get like how much effort you need to put in to get something out of it sometimes it's like ah it's too much work to to like fix it yeah or yeah per se yep but I don't know it's still I don't know I you know I don't know you've you've got me thinking about this there I'm I'm of two minds of it like I'm perfectly okay with it if I wasn't happy with it I wouldn't have been able to sleep, afterwards and that's not the case it's just like but then at the same time it is a really striking shot and it does stand out in a way so I don't know it's pretty good but I think that kind of thinking is like for every shot for me in a way because there's always things you can change yeah like whenever it's it's also when you're filming you don't see it the same way you do as when you're viewing it yeah especially not since after it's been edited because there's so much stuff that you realize in the edit it like oh I wish I would have done this Wednesday yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, so I obsess about that all the time yeah but I guess you've only got the day right to do it and yeah you have to do that you have to go with what you've got that's all that's what I tell myself it's like well at the other day we did what we could yeah like what are we gonna do have you come back to and refill like no right so yeah exactly, Hey pixel how you doing buddy, and night vision goggles a lot backwards good one, are we supposed to store shards in the fridge yeah it's, it extends their their shelf life yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah otherwise they go they go bad they're sour yeah the power consumption of overclocking is