May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: With 1.0 going to Unreal Engine 5.3, will that change how big the Save File we can have?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: With 1.0 going to Unreal Engine 5.3, will that change how big the Save File we can have?

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-JZxiT6a9ZCI">[ YouTube - May 14th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: With 1.0 going to Unreal Engine 5.3, will that change how big the Save File we can have?]</ref>



with 1.0 going real in 5.3 oh my God the questions keeps moving around I think this got uploaded yeah did, will that change how big the safe file we can have will there have be new upper limits or anything like that, so the engine upgrade doesn't actually affect that because the save system we have in our game is completely custom made so like that's that's our making, I believe I believe there will be an an increase in the limits, because we like if you watch the optimization video we made, we changed so that like pretty much all the, all the like buildables in the game that don't have any logic tied to them, they've been converted into like just data objects instead of being the regular Unreal Engine objects, so they're way cheaper and, they're smaller in size and everything so like safe files will be a lot will be a bit smaller because of that as well, I don't know if it'll affect the limits in any ways, but I think it will so, I think I think you'll see it as an increase in size but there's still the limit there were people in close beta that already hit the U object limit as well so like that's that always happens, what you going to do about it