July 23rd, 2020 Video Jace Art: Elevators, Dedicated doggo pen

July 23rd, 2020 Video

Jace Art: Elevators, Dedicated doggo pen


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-JOBcS413hwY,353.2529,392.5922">[https://youtube.com/embed/JOBcS413hwY?autoplay=1&start=353&end=393 YouTube - July 23rd, 2020 Video - Jace Art: Elevators, Dedicated doggo pen]</ref>



it should so we've got, ravi rez here from twitter, has a bunch of suggestions when folks suggest them all I can't do all of them of course so I'm gonna get some screenshots, and in-game footage even of elevators apparently moves like this a little bit as well so ramurez also wanted a like dedicated doggo pen so we have that here so basically you just put the doggo in the blender and you turn it on and then it just sits in there you can leave it it won't leave anymore you have to make sure you shake it once in a while because it's like this like red [ __ ] down here it just gets stuck at the bottom so you have to like give it a little blend again or yeah anyway so we have the pen here all right so we got another one here from karasien