February 27th, 2024 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

February 27th, 2024 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Intro
05:56 Mikael _really_ wants to play FF VII Rebirth
09:24 State of Dev: Working towards Feature Complete
13:05 Q&A: Where's my physical copy of Satisfactory?
13:50 State of Dev: Working towards Feature Complete (continued)
14:26 Q&A: Where's my physical copy of Satisfactory? (continued)
14:38 State of Dev: Closed Beta https://www.satisfactorygame.com/#closedbeta
15:52 State of Dev: State of Game Jam games + rambling on school life
19:20 Outro


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-J5oqf4Oai-c">[https://youtu.be/J5oqf4Oai-c YouTube - February 27th, 2024 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev]</ref>




what up everybody Welcome to Tuesday you know what happens on Tuesdays nothing much we just I guess we just hang out yeah sit here just, how are you guys doing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where did you go there what happened to your energy I know you're tired but like no, no I don't know just waiting for someone to explain what what's all the Hub up with the Tuesdays I don't get it F4 weekly that's very true actually oh that's very true I can Farm TOS today they're CA at 900 you can Farm toast yes what you mean you can Farm toast 900 pieces of toast for my B healing gear I still haven't C my healer gears like or like, what's it B decked them out- I have everything but healer Stone which is, I've been lazy what the hell are you talking about I don't Final Fantasy man feel like I'm going insane I mean you are toasts don't grow in tree that's true you know it they grow in dungeons you know it does grow trees money really maybe technically well technically they grow on bushes right cuz it's cotton at least American dollars are oh is that how it works what is Swedish money made out of I haven't seen a Swedish money in a while well the 10 Crown is pure gold they don't pay us I think wait is the five is the is the physical five like I say gold but you know like yellow golden as well now the new one dude I haven't seen cash in like 10 years I'm not I'm not kidding- I haven't C her cash in like since I went to, school that was so strange because, we like we took the old cash out and brought the new cash in while I was in Japan living there in Japan so like when I got back like everything was just new and also like was so weird because they brought the new cash in and then at the same time we just went basically cash free in every shop like oh okay nice yeah Swedish money is cotton mostly and then synthetic polymer today I learned and the the coins are made out of copper aluminium Al aluminum aluminium sink and 10 tin 10 10 is the Swedish word we only yeah we only no we only get paid in Subway gift cards that's what we get paid in wait do you get Subway Gift C call me they pay you guys you guys get so yeah we get to eat for free at sway that's what that's what we get paid for yeah I get fed like choco balls and that's it in the office no proper food nice yeah I'm going to put chat over here so I can read them more easily money isn't made of paper it's made out of, cotton we we just we just established this money is entirely mental it's only valuable for as long as we pretend it is money is only, real if in your head if you die in the G if if you die in the game you lose money in real life that's kind of like that's okay legit though what I just said is kind of true in some like live action like servers games nowadays it's like if you die in the game you actually lose money in real life that's kind of true yeah do you know what game I'm actually always appreciated like their currency for it's like Ratchet and Clank all these some bolts yeah and screws that's very that's very like that's very Bare Bones and yet fitting like yeah we should start getting paid in screws that's that's what we should start doing I know right we love screws there's been a lot of screw Discord, discourse on Discord lately screw discourse my favorite type of discourse yeah screw you there's no no better way to spend my day than about that I'm sorry I'm already so off topic or like so off track, I've had two nights now where I haven't been able to sleep because my dog like wakes up in the middle of the night just starts barking like a mad person yes, so yeah what's coming up today it's going to be business as usual it's going to be, we're GNA essentially say the same thing as last week, and, is it what am I going to do as wanted to play last week's stream and then we'll go home and then you you you won't be wiser than ever or whatever yeah roll the clip it's a really a long clip, yeah yeah but it's going to be set Dev it's going to be a little bit of Comm highlights we're going to answer some questions that people having in the slos whatnot or rather we're going to do our best to not answer them seeing as we really can't well some we can answer some questions yeah some questions the most questions are probably going to be like, hard no comment but, but yeah it's it's it's pretty much business as usual, we're actually we can we can dive into that mhm I say that as if like let's just get out of the way so we can get to the real meat of the stream but like what is the real meat of the stream I don't know it's just us talking about nonsense, oh do I tell them how much of a creature I am like I told you before this or do we just skip that that's up to you man actually is a pretty funny story though you should probably tell it if you're talking about the rebirthing yeah yeah it's rebirth yeah yeah so like everybody knows in this chat because obviously this is a final fantasy stream now, ff7 rebirth is coming in on Thursday and I had this pre-ordered since like way back from a store and they they always send out mails when they send me like games like new games released games or just games that are like out for a while, and my your game has been shipped mail hasn't come in yet and it's Tuesday Tuesday evening at this point and, the game is out on Thursday and I've taken days off yes yes I have to play this game and so this game hasn't shipped for me yet and what I've gotten done is I've gone to a second online store in Sweden this time so it's actually like local at least, I've ordered it from there as well so depending on the timing of like when they send them I might be getting two fiz copies but also if I end up getting neither on Thursday I am buying the, digital one as well on the PS5 so I'm going to be sitting there with three copies of the game and, having a time sorry I'm just cracking up CH yeah no no- I, it's it's a place to be in for sure I'm hoping hoping I can like cancel my way out at at least one of the copies I just love this comment please tell me


more yeah so you're essentially going to own three copies of the same game just to be sure that you can play it on day one yeah why don't just get by bu the digital that's a good question because I mean that's what I've been saying like for for a week now no but like- I still like call Color Me color me [ __ ], oldfashioned but I don't know I like having the copies around like just collecting or displaying or whatever like just having them I don't know so the man can't get you down when they pull the service you know what I'm talking about I mean yeah I mean yeah honestly yeah dude the day steam goes down can you imagine can you imagine can you imagine no what are we going to do what's the word the re re restructuring no wait what's the word, re re re saving all stuff Recon I don't know you're like 20 I wish I was 20 oh I wish I was 20 rebirth okay got me there that's the wor looking for did I miss any big announcements yes, actually you missed a ton of big announcement mik you should tell the story again okay listen so we have a big ass game coming on Thursday it's F7 rebirth, and so I've ordered like one copy one fiz copy of this game like way way back, and they still like this store they usually send me a mail for when they have shipped the game out, and this mail still hasn't actually come to me yet and so what I've got done is I've ordered a second copy from a second store this time in Sweden local yeah so stop there wasting time but yeah I just love that oh boy just start telling it again oh so funny but yeah, what were we talking about state of devis essentially is same as last like five weeks or whatever we, working towards content complete, and, we're close actually really close potentially, and, working really hard on that and then once we're done with content complete then we'll spend a little bit time bug fixing and fixing polishing and stuff like that and then it's close beta time baby, and you can't say [ __ ] if you enter yeah yeah yeah and well it's it's like if if you're in you're in I guess, so and you can sign up to the close bait if you want to maybe you don't know our plans maybe this is you tuning in for the first time ever, I highly doubt that because most people I think are recurring at least in chat maybe actually yeah actually you know what I haven't checked the stats in a while so maybe that's not true but, essentially we're yeah we're working towards content complete which is means that the game will be feature complete I say content Complete because feature complete are two different things but sort of anyways feature complete is what I mean so like most of the features in set of factory will be in there and then once we're done with that we essentially have everything that's going to be like for 1.0 and then we're going to polish that a little bit then we have our Clos beta period where a select few five people will be selected to participate, and, we'll run a Clos beta we'll gather last bit of feedback from people playing the game, letting us know if there's anything we need to tweak and then we're going to like go full on Grambling mode and just like poish the game as much as we can and then then it's out then we're done then we're going to release it, that's that's, that's the plan at least and we're still in the, getting the game future complete sort of mode, conent complete and feature complete so these are sort of loose terms I don't know if you guys saw the [ __ ], the the Game Dev discourse on Twitter the last couple of days which essentially boiled down to, terms being used where people have different opinions on what they mean essentially and like to to a certain degree this this is the same kind of deal right feature complete and content complete like feature complete in my eyes at least is like when all the like game mechanics and all the features you know mechanically that goes into into a game and also features in terms of like interaction design to a certain degree and you know all that stuff so like you can play the game essentially right and content complete like there might still be like some assets you know some visual things that you might want to add or polish, you know I would say if we had like all the machines inste of Factory in we'd say like okay now it's feature Complete because all the machines are in and all the functionality is there but we might still like change what the machines look like you know not not saying that we are doing that but that's an example for that for instance, so like that's content that we can still add and we can still add you know like more I don't know in our in our case I think it's pretty like, clearcut but like in might be case of like if you're making like a puzzle game you might want to add more puzzles and that's technically content I guess, but a game isn't gold I.E like the final product so to speak unless it's both feature and content complete mhm so so there you go but these are of question but those are sort of way say again no in chat was a great question, as well regarding to my old story right here as well, regarding your getting Final Fantasy rebirth story or yeah no no no yeah yeah yeah it's important where's my where where's my fiz copy of satisfactory do they make fiz for PC anymore like at all yeah I think some do actually that's a good question it would be nice to actually have a physical copy of satisfactory but I don't know sure if that's maybe we'll do like a limit run or something for PC o does any PC at all like have a CD drive at this, well the CD drive what you get is you get a hard case and there's a code in it I think is oh yeah of course oh yeah yeah of course of course yeah, what was I talking about yeah so that that's essentially what's going on right now like these are sort of loose terms, but when we say feature complete we meet like functionality in the game so like essentially when we're feature complete we'll have like an internal build that sort of has everything that we intend to have for 1.0 it will have the stuff that we've said 1.0 will have you know, and all the new stuff and like the the good stuff essentially, so yeah I need 3 and 1/2 in floppy cup Let's, let's burn it on cassette so you have you can play it on a Commodore, so yeah that's that's what's going on and then, in the near future we're going to have our closed beta you can like I mentioned before you can sign up for the Clos beta if you do exclamation mark beta beta, you can, you can, sorry sry I got so sidetracked by doing that stupid inside joke, that like me and two other people will will know of, sorry I still even though- I stalled for time remembering what I was talking about yeah so you can sign up for the beta if you hit exclamation mark beta, check it out there and then you lucky five I guess lucky four people two and a half people will get get the golden ticket to try out Clos beta oh we said between 5 and 10, between 5 and 10 yeah I think we said still have have halves but you know yeah yeah yeah at least between five and 10 we're going to take five people and split them in the middle and then you guys can share the codes so, that's that's what's going on right now we have one more thing actually we can talk about and that is the the state of game Jam games that we said that is the state of game yes because I have concrete news for once wow I do yes what's that like how does it feel man well you couldn't tell me could you no that's what I mean like oh yeah I don't know like it feels like have do you remember like from like little school like like gymnasium you say little SCH I did say little school the high school and the low high school is gymnasium like when you conrete gymnas is a different thing gymnasium is the thing you go to okay wait upper secondary school is the name you're thinking of well what what's high school then High School is is, it's not the same like they don't have the same as we do cuz High School is one year extra than we have so like they're in Upper Secondary School like, range but we do year 1 to n and and and 7 789 is our high school yeah okay okay and then they do one more year I think at least in the US I think the UK Works differently but uper secondary school is is after our high school were you a good study in, little school no in little in the little school no yeah no okay no because imagine like imagine like yeah you get like homework and actual tests and tasks to get done just like I don't know tall tiu in the math book and you do that, and then you feel like oh I'm done like my mom is like giving me the power back to my room for the PC and the PS5 PS5 PS2, so I can actually like do stuff you know you feel you feel like accomplished and, yeah today I realized I haven't had that for over 15 years which is amazing so, concrete news give it to me baby yeah, three out of five teams are completely done with the the small updates small polishes and what's it, giving credit to credit to do because we have used some free assets like music and stuff, two teams only need to add credit and then they are completely done as well all five teams want to upload them to the same little just like made for fun nothing at all like serious but made for fun little coffee stain store Page it's going to be completely free just called store Page because it it is a store Page, with all five games released together together in a bundle, and that's going to happen next week 99% sure but not this week because this week happens to be a very important week for the studio in terms of working on satisfactory which is I am sure you all want more than the game chat games there you have it there you have it and we also got clarification here so it's the other way around when I said it high school is 9 to 12 so like it's it's the other way around so like high school is one extra year so it's four years in high school and, it's after our high school okay so, that's what's so high high school high high school so so our our high school is upper Secondary School essentially mine is one year today I learned again what money is made of how they use the school oh wait it depends on town, oh no is it one of those cases it's called BB okay interesting so yeah us is 1 six Mid 7 8 High 92 okay any so yeah that's essentially state of Dev I guess, this is, what's going on right now at the studio there are three different answers for yeah it's it's I mean the US is a big country so I'm not surprised that it's different it's not even it's not even a count at this point like surely all the different states like behave as if they are borderline different countries right- I don't know I think that's what- I should have said or that's what I think that's what I meant, that checks off FF on the Bingle card oh that was literally the first minute of the stream it came even before the PJ start that's the middle square right now on this on the bingo card you can just have that as a default like that's a that's a freeb at this point you can't add it anymore it's a guaranteed like but then if it's in the middle you can you know just no matter what R we pick you will be safe anymore yeah exactly so anyways, let's spend 20 more minutes talking about high school or we can do community highlights do you miss little school what's at all no I don't remember much from from elementary school middle school