November 7th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What would you reaction be if somebody made a Mod to turn Satisfactory into VR?

November 7th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What would you reaction be if somebody made a Mod to turn Satisfactory into VR?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: February 20th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Any thoughts on VR mod?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-IlEOiz9TMOw">[ YouTube - November 7th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: What would you reaction be if somebody made a Mod to turn Satisfactory into VR?]</ref>



what would your reaction be if somebody made a mod that turn satisfaction VR, I've seen three mods that have done that actually in different iterations so, I mean I'm EXC as excited every time I think it's it's dope whenever someone makes any mod really I think a lot of people have made mods that do VR but I don't think anyone's like released like a final VR version I think yeah there's a couple, I don't know cuz like I think here's the thing though I think a lot of people made mods for VR for satisfactory and it was like for update three and then we made update four it broke that mod and then they didn't maintain it, I think that's been the case a couple of times so yeah is VR a topic is it not wait it's not something that we're going to do probably just start stop updating we got to work on the game though we got to make the game though we got to finish it man we got to make the stuff that goes into the game and then we send it home yo after 1.0 I don't know the the thing is I think I've answered this question before but like I think I did it in a YouTube video the thing is like nobody's really interested in that at at cof stay like and and the issue is like if no one's driving that internally then it won't happen you know what I mean like if nobody wants to implement VR and if no one has any interest in VR, then it just it's just not meant to be and I think that's the main issue, there's no one at cof is thing that like is very driven by VR and wants VR support for the game more more so like to actually implement it so yeah I personally cannot play VR games at all