May 11th, 2021 Livestream State of Dev: Dedicated Servers

May 11th, 2021 Livestream

State of Dev: Dedicated Servers

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anyway, let's see is there anything else instead of dev I don't think there's anything I guess it'll just echo a few things, dedicated servers I know a lot of people are asking about that dedicated servers are also on the horizon dedicated servers aren't tied into any update in particular dedicated servers are gonna be like their own release and they're gonna so they're gonna be released like completely independently of update five, and, yeah those are on the horizon we've been the reason why we haven't able to do data servers until now is because of multiplayer issues and you know the restrictions of multiplayer that we kind of need to solve and for us to be able to solve that we've also needed to implement a bunch of systems and rework a bunch of systems so there's like been a ton of technical depth with the with the game, that's just made it really hard for us to just focus on the like you know the dedicated server part of it so to speak because there's so much like dependency leading up to that for it to make sense for us to release dedicated servers we don't really see I know that like people disagree with this but I don't think you realize how broken it is broken it is because we don't really see a point in releasing a dedicated server without fixing some of the network issues that we have because it's just gonna be the same problem like that we're having right now which is gonna like make dedicated servers feel less important, there's also I kind of come to realize this recently when I've been talking to some of the vendors that want to like host dedicated servers there's also a bit of like you know getting your money's worth if you want to host dedicated servers because you also feel like it's a bit of a cheap out, for some of them if we release a shitty dedicated server, because you know some of these services you do pay money to rent a dedicated server we don't have that yet, and you can and you're gonna be able to host yourself in the future, but yeah so there's just a bunch of things that we felt like it's not worth releasing data servers when the game is in the state that it's in right now with the dependencies that we have and the technical that we have for some of the systems so we need to solve that first but we have been making a lot of progress on that part, and yeah we're making progress as soon as we have more information on this we will reveal more information, there's probably gonna be like similar to like how we do with with open dev for update five and we start like teasing stuff we're probably gonna like as soon as we can and we feel like we have good information we're gonna just like here's what we know about educate servers this is when we think they're gonna come out and we're probably gonna release dedicated servers in like a alpha beta state or whatever so we're not gonna like hold out on that at all like as soon as we feel like this is a good enough state we're gonna release it and then we can troubleshoot you know as we go, because we feel like you know it's not important for us to have like a super solid dedicated server launch or whatever we we want to get data conservers out that's like the important thing for us, so yeah that's that's the, state of that, I know that people are gonna ask this like a thousand times more in the stream please be please bear with them like it's no no one's here in the beginning okay or not everyone's here in the beginning so it's hard to say, cool