December 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Any consideration for adding a Map editor?

December 5th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Any consideration for adding a Map editor?

This question may have been asked previously at least 16 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as February 2019.
This question has 6 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-IN-Ij6BTzOE">[ YouTube - December 5th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Any consideration for adding a Map editor?]</ref>



any consideration of adding a map editor so, no because that is a huge undertaking and, maybe like first of all the way the map is made in the game is not made in such a way where you can create the map without using Unreal Engine so that's one thing, I think Tech technically we could you could create another map as a mod for satisfactory, but no one's done that and I'm assuming the reason why no one's done that is because it's too much work to get it to work, now now I'm sad thanks n it's what I live for disappointing people, it is a huge undertaking and, just making the map as it is for us is a huge undertaking and like most games where they have map editors what they do is they make a map editor and they make the tools for it and then they create the game using the map editor most people don't you do the back do it the other way around there is a mod map is there what's what's on it cuz I've seen one I've seen mod maps but they're just like nothing it's just a plane and like that's it what's the name of the, what's the name of the mod all mines map, let's see here look at that new map new terrain know all alien artifacts thank God that's pretty cool I need to check that out actually I'm kind of curious this is like the only this is like the only mod I've seen it's a new map put a ton of time into it oh I can imagine cuz we know how long it takes to make a MTH it is, no walk in the park I need to I need to check this out actually when was this made August wait is this an American time or October cool I need to check that out actually I'm I'm really curious now curious curious, even as a snow area really has anyone made like a I need to I need to Google this on YouTube and see if anyone made like a playthrough or something using it no need to see it picture is not enough in the mod manager I need to I need to experience this cool thanks for letting me know linkit so this is the I'll post the L mod here too this is the one people are referring to I think correct me if I'm wrong oh oh I'm so sorry people that struggle are on The Struggle Bus we had to disable links on our twitch because the Bots got us