June 8th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Are there any plans to bring things like Solar Power & Electric Vehicles to the game?

June 8th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Are there any plans to bring things like Solar Power & Electric Vehicles to the game?


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there any plans to bring things like solar power and electric vehicles to the game I mean, I can't remember what the latest is on like green energy but, we had thought about it a lot and I'm pretty sure we're not doing it yes mark talked about this this has been a while actually now but mark mark pretty pretty much like put down the foot when it comes to this discussion, where so so I'm gonna do a real quick tldr for everyone that's like wishing for green energy and stuff like that so wind power and solar power are two things that we've already prototyped in the game very early on and there were two power options that we didn't like because they don't give you any interesting choices with the game with all power generators currently in the game there's always like a trade-off and there's always like a choice you make when you set it up so like with coal it's like the water and all the hassle with that and with like the fuel it's like the whole fuel production and how you balance that and then the nuclear where you make the trade off with the waste and then to extend on that you have the plutonium waste where like you have to trade off like do you want to make plutonian fuel rods you can sync them or do you want to use them as power blah blah there's always like a ton of different, trade-offs and decisions you have to make with all, power generators in the game including the geothermal one where it doesn't give you a it fluctuates right so that's one thing we don't like about solar panel and and and winds and stuff like that and I already know what people are going to be like yeah but what if the solar panels get dirty and stuff like that that's also annoying because that adds like mechanics to the game where you have to like maintain your factory and that is super annoying that's something that we definitely don't want and also really random if we only apply it to to wind turbines you know what I mean like yeah but any other building could could get dirty or break down you know like why doesn't this apply to everything exactly, but the but the bigger problem is really that this is like an infinite builder game where like you can pretty much build however many you want and if you can build like an infinite amount of solar arrays that means you just get free power and that's also not something we think is a good idea with the game with the way it's set up right now but one thing that mark has been a little bit curious about and I'm not saying that we're going to do it because it's still I don't think we're actually gonna do it to be honest, but one thing that mark was found a little bit interesting was water like turbines because there's a limited amount of of like waterfalls where you would be able to set these up so that's something that mark was like curious about but we don't really know if we're actually gonna do that or not, so that's the only like if if anything I mean the game is still in early access so you can never say never but I don't think we're gonna do it, because I feel like we would have done that already if we wanted it but those that feels feels kind of unnecessary like like even with the waterfalls thing it's it's kind of just like the waterfalls are essentially a node then right and so what's the difference really between that and a geothermal right exactly you know what I mean and we're not happy with how the geothermal work either like right now so like- I don't know but that's essentially the tldr on that situation, there's one more thing I wanted to say about that I completely forgot cool but that's that's that's that's the tl they are we definitely won't add solar panel and wind, and we're very doubtful about water turbines but just for arguments there there are scotland saying power seems fairly complete at this point I you know there are some things that I know that we've talked about with power which I'm not going to mention now because I don't think we've ever mentioned it, but there are some things about power that could still be changed or reworked actually, that that could potentially make the game better or more interesting yes, and simply just like adding a new like power type like green energy or something like that, is is there there's more ways to make things interesting than just throwing more things at it you know what I mean yes, again it's when you when you just if you're just adding something it's it's going back to just moving the goal post right like if we added hydro then people will add their hydro things in and then be like but yeah we want something else now right so that's why like simply just adding things adding more like like meat to the game doesn't necessarily, really translate to a lot more gameplay, but but I will say this though because we we talked about this as well in the past, when on on the topic of like powers feels complete, like jace mentioned like you still early access like anything can happen but we feel I think we're already in a we are in a pretty good spot with power like we're pretty happy with most things power related, update four was actually originally gonna be all about power like update 4 was originally supposed to be about you know power changes and like more dynamics to the power and like having you know, like distance fall off and stuff like that and then we prototyped it and we felt like it's it's not really adding much to the game like it it's making things more complex but powers is a thing that comes in so early in the game, and it feels like it doesn't feel good to make it complex so early on in the game, so a lot of ideas we had for update 4 were scrapped because we just didn't feel like like eugene mentioned like adding on top of it it just doesn't add that much honestly, solar solar is interesting because it's on during the day only, so the the problem with that is I think it's 45 minutes day time five minutes night time yes so that means your solar power won't be working only 10 of the time yes which is honestly negligible if the game was like 50 50 or 60 40 or something like that, I could that that could make you know a lot of sense I think, it would add more I think but with just that with with it just being like 10 percent of your game time being nighttime it doesn't really make much sense exactly so, how you doing doing good