August 23rd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Any plans to make building faster/more streamlined?

August 23rd, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Any plans to make building faster/more streamlined?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 6th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Anything to make building easier?

This question has a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-IAObwRW2rxk">[ YouTube - August 23rd, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Any plans to make building faster/more streamlined?]</ref>



he plans to make building faster more streamlined well there's a couple of bugs with building that just makes it sluggish because it's like annoying, like for instance with the, snapping sometimes it doesn't work, like the conveyor lifts rotating like crazy every time you use them there's definitely a lot of cases where I feel like it's frustrating to build and that slows it down so much kind of wish we would prioritize that, but apart you know apart from that I don't really know oh now I switched me yeah so you build a science that I call it a middle mouse copy it this is the case for a lot of stuff actually and I think that's annoying too I actually agree with this like if you copy and pay well I guess it's like do you want that all the time like question I guess but I do agree that like if you if you have like a painted Wallace as well, and you cop like pipette it and copy and then use like it doesn't actually copy the color of the wall either and stuff like that that would be sweet but then there might be cases where you don't want that but then again when would you ever I don't know it could be a setting I don't know that's not my problem to me it makes it makes I don't think it makes sense that it doesn't copy like the billing but it's not a cop it's like a it's sampling the building that you're looking at so it's not actually copying it right, so but it could be a setting in the menu like if you want that functionality or not because to me it makes sense if you're copying like the thing like color settings Etc, same with, well I was gonna say like buildings as well but I feel like there definitely are cases where you don't want that say that you're setting up like a bunch of Constructors and you want like half of them to be one recipe and half of them are not, it's annoying that you have to go back to the menu for those these are like the kind of stuff where you think about it like oh this is how I want it at the moment because you're doing that edge case but then when you implement that feature and you actually try it out you realize like oh wait this is actually kind of annoying and you're like which one is more annoying you know you're a menu snit how dare you Jeff oh my God I can't believe this you know what I'm so like this is you're dead to me