April 23rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are you not doing Content Creator Highlights any more?

April 23rd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Are you not doing Content Creator Highlights any more?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-HwrpJI4NIrc">[https://youtu.be/HwrpJI4NIrc YouTube - April 23rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Are you not doing Content Creator Highlights any more?]</ref>



are you guys not doing content creator highlights anymore I'm looking for some good people to watch, I hope we can do it again because I really think it's beneficial, the Highlight the community highlights takes quite a bit of time unfortunately to to like gather and like, because it's not just like with the with the community highlights we can just like on the Reddit we just grab screenshots and stuff like that right but with commun highlights it's more it's it's a bit more involved because we also like we need to find a clip we need to make sure the clip is decent size like lengthwise so like we can give give a good preview, we Al also like need to find a clip that represents the person that we're highlighting yeah, because sometimes if I just do like streamer Clips it might be really hard to see get get a sense of like who this person is and like what their their content is like, so so we just put a pause on that for for a bit, right now because there's no time essentially, but I feel like if you're active on the Reddit and if you're active if you're like on YouTube and and watch a lot of satisfactory content, I get recommended all the time like really good stuff, I really liked I can't remember their names of course because I am dog with names but, there was recently a video on like, or there's there's a person who's making like a series of building in the swamp solely I really enjoy that, and there's like a bunch of tutorials, specifically blueprints I guess- I've watched a bunch of blueprints tutorials recently because- I've gotten into blueprints a lot lately because- I've I've learned how much time you save when you use blueprints properly, and is nutty, it's so nice to be like like you have SN it's so nice when you have like oh- I need I have 480, iron ore and just be like B just boom four 480 iron ingots you know one click bam powered and everything just get it in there and then okay I'm going to make iron plates all right bam 16 Constructors with blah blah blah like I'm I'm a huge fan of of blueprints now that I figured out how to use them properly, because they really save a ton of time and then just like spend the build time to just decorate instead of having to make stuff anyways, this man keeps talking what was that this man just keeps talking in my ear he never stop sorry man something something blueprints yeah since we have a shorter like Q&A I'm trying to like really speed through the ones that we have