May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: If you could fuse Satisfactory with any other game, which would be & why?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: If you could fuse Satisfactory with any other game, which would be & why?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-HiiaiuYVb7o">[ YouTube - May 14th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: If you could fuse Satisfactory with any other game, which would be & why?]</ref>



if you could fuse satisfactory with any other game which one would it be and why go simulator good simulator I'm just saying I'm just saying everyone wants like, Tower Defense and but have you considered just you build your Factory and then just like a goat just shows up multiplayer and just wrecks everything you've made now that's that's quality I'm actually going to go and say factorio how messed up would that be satisfactory just 3D factorio so it wouldn't really change anything but you have both planes now you can play it saac 2D if you just look down constantly just fly up and look down no anyways what was the question you were answering, was I answering a question oh you were talking about something and then I interrupted you no okay never I was thinking oh yeah maybe like fusing games together but I kind of changed my mind as well and I'm thinking like maybe I'm going to make like a lot of Mines explode but what if you combine satisfactory and no man's Sky oh that's kind of cool oh yeah don't they have like Factory building in no man Sky now I've actually never played it since after the like first release