March 30th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Satisfactory Roadmap?

March 30th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Satisfactory Roadmap?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: April 20th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Is there a roadmap publicly?

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satisfactory roadmap we don't really have a roadmap because it's we had a roadmap and, we didn't like it we we roadmap this is a huge topic on roadmaps but the problem with road maps for us is that we we can't like obviously we're committed with working on the game but we can't commit to a roadmap to the extent that we need like if we need to crunch at some point to meet deadlines we're not gonna we need to delay and I think it's a little bit frustrating for everyone when we're constantly delaying stuff, I think this dev cycle that we've had last year has been really good for for both of us, both for you guys and for us just because like we've had time to do the things we want to do we haven't been stressing about like we need to do this we need to do this we need to get this out and like our decisions are based on you know what's best for the game rather than when is this coming out, and that's we want to keep doing that that's one reason the other reason is that we're constantly changing our minds based on you know when we're prototyping stuff and realize this isn't a good idea or when we produce yourself and realize ooh what if we did it this way instead and change our minds on certain things we want to be able to do that still and it's also so that we can kind of react to what you guys are doing saying to us so for instance pipes would not have been possible if we would have kept our roadmap going pipes would not have happened at that point so yeah we really want to keep that agile development going and not get stuck in like the the world map kind of thinking I know that's really frustrating to hear because obviously you want to know like what's coming and what to look forward to and you know if you know that like oh I'm really looking forward to this thing that's going to come in this part of the year like we're going to try and like be as open about development as we can we've been fairly open in for update four saying what's going to come but we're going to try and be even more open and let you guys know what's kind of in the pipeline what might change keep you in the loop et cetera et cetera we're going to figure sing things out that way instead of you know having a static road map on the on the on the, on the website or something like that because you feel like also doing that way this kind of communication where we have our streams we have a youtube channel we have you know our twitter and stuff like that, it gives us a better way to like keep keep engaged with you guys as well so that we don't become you know boomer game developers that just like we're just gonna do this thing and we're so set on it we want to like be able to do what makes sense for the game and what makes the game better, and we feel like a road map is a little bit hindering us in that sense roman is a joke and burns all devs yeah it can't it can do that there are way I think there are ways to do to have road maps that kind of work and we've also talked a lot about having like some middle ground where maybe we'll do like a white board or something like that showing like this is what we're looking to implement at some point but we don't know when, and maybe like that will also be easier to like confirm like these are the things that we confirm want to have in satisfactory but even those things can change like there might be things that we feel like this needs to be in the game but then maybe we aren't able to implement it so and that can also be very frustrating so it's a tricky it's a tricky situation we're trying our best to to figure out what to do about that as we go but working on the game making the game as best as it can be is the priority for us so really sorry that that answer got so long but we really want to make the game the best it can be and sometimes we need to take decisions that suck for you guys but in the long haul I think will be better for you guys, in that sense so all right got that out of the way