March 19th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How much time did it take to develop a playable concept of Satisfactory initially?

March 19th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How much time did it take to develop a playable concept of Satisfactory initially?

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first question is how much time did it take to develop a playable concept of satisfactory initially so the way satisfactory was developed is that we had sort of, the team spent like a couple of months on, working on various, prototypes and various ideas that we had for whatever game we wanted to make and I believe we spent like a month maybe a month and a half on like the initial prototype of satisfactory which was very like thrown together, and then we spend and then like once we said like all right let's commit to this idea, I can't remember it took quite a while to have like a proper playable version of the game, I there's a video where me and Stefan sit and go through like every, iteration satisfactory first year, cuz like let me showcase here oh wow cuz like, so this is like the very first version, the first like two weeks of development on on like the actual game the Prototype was much more quickly like made but there was also like super sloppy and like you know it's not production ready so like this is the first two weeks essentially like of development, essentially just putting together like all you could do is just place a minor and there there's the whole world and like is the first person, the shooter example project that it's all based on, and then in the second Sprint you could place the miner on, I think it would start you could like start doing, conveyor belts that was very basic and then in Sprint three I think was the first time you actually could recognize the game, because here we have have like Splitters and you can place the minor on you know ores, and we had, the conveyor the splitter which was 7 to one, not a great way of doing it and here's the the smelter, here's what the smelters look like it look like Darth Vaders helmet, so yeah it took quite a long time before we had like a proper playable, highly recommend checking out this video if you want to learn more, share that in chat almost looks like looks like Haron and spice Harvest it was that haran spice Harvest actually let me let me show one quick real quick this is mostly for people who were, during the satisfactory event thing there was an interview with one of our ux artists Natalie and she talked about a concept that she made that that she didn't like she thought it was terrible, but she was just trying that where like you would have like a circle and like you would sort of expand your your network by just this this is that Circle she was talking about so this is what that UI look like, so this is essentially how the m/ the trading posts or or the Hub this is how you would unlock stuff in the game so the way it used to work was we used to have like, an economy an economy in the game where you could buy, well like you'd sell parts and you get money and then you spend the money on upgrades and stuff, now it's more like you unlock stuff with the parts themselves, and this is this like this version of satisfactor you're looking at right here this is like a year of development essentially, so many iterations many back much back and forth if you recognize this spot this kind of shitty you may recognize the spot, this is like Northern Forest this is like the first spot that we worked on from the actual map like this area actually made it into the game, yeah check out the video it's good it's good the UI is very Starcraft like very Starcraft