September 13th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: How do you decide what gets an Alt Recipe, and are there any items that won't get one?

September 13th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: How do you decide what gets an Alt Recipe, and are there any items that won't get one?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as February 2022.
This question has 5 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-H5U1BtcMMIA">[ YouTube - September 13th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: How do you decide what gets an Alt Recipe, and are there any items that won't get one?]</ref>



have you decided, how do you decide what gets an ALT recipe and is there any items that won't get in all the recipe ever so, the way the process works the magic works is, Mark sits on his little throne and he thinks very hard about things and stuff the the like all the recipes are supposed to offer like a like the name kind of says an alternate way of making a certain piece and our part and, there's there's supposedly always going like there's there's always going to be somewhat of a trade-off when for every Ultra recipe so we tend to look at like what recipes have issues you know what recipes are, like interesting to make an old recipe from and what recipes are just plain up bad and bad as in like on purpose like if they're supposed to teach you something and then once you learn that you can find the whole recipe and then you have a more optimal one, and I don't know the exact like process behind like what gets picked and where picked and where because even then when we make all recipes sometimes we change our minds and change them up a bit so, but yeah there's usually we tend to like focus when we make an old recipe we're like okay we want we look at a part and say okay this part requires 40 000 refineries let's make an all recipe that mitigates that issue but maybe it you need a rare you know resource instead so it's more like okay you can get this old recipe but it's it's it's harder to like find the resources for it or the resources are more limited and stuff like that, so so there's always like a trade-off between like what is the point of the art recipe essentially and, just find like spots in the game where this recipe could be changed okay then let's add an old recipe to it or and sometimes it's for flavor the beacon or recipe is my favorite yes we're gonna remove that one it's gonna be gone