March 7th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What will happen to Beacons by 1.0?

March 7th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What will happen to Beacons by 1.0?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: When are Beacons going to be removed?

This question has a related topic
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what will happen to beacons in 1.0 by 1.0 so beacons will not exist in the game by 1.0 oh that's that's that's the main thing they'll be removed at some point probably before 1.0, just so you guys know I think, we can expect we can expect rebalancing at some point yeah either on or before 1.0, and I believe, I believe on that rebalance I think that's when they'll go yeah at the moment there's only that should be communicated before performance ah we're gonna communicate for sure yeah there's at the moment there's only one recipe I believe that is useful in the game that uses the beacons and it's the all recipe for one of the nuclear something in the chain I can't remember if it's for the rods or if it's for something before that but yeah that's why we didn't completely remove them when we changed how they work that was because of that alt recipe and like we could have been like oh we'll just change that one alt recipe and that was the initial idea we were going to be like all right we're gonna remove beacons and then we'll change that one alt recipe but then Mark started digging and he's like yeah but if we change this one alt recipe then we kind of want to look over this thing as well and that kept like the more he like tugged on that little thread we realized like ah it's so nestled dude yeah and when it comes to changing recipes, it's really important like we think it's really important for us to like be very very careful and we don't want to do it often and we haven't done it often yeah honestly we haven't, because it messes with save files, and and progress and things like that so like it's really important we think it's really important that we keep the number of times that we update recipes at a at a minimum so it's better for us to like grab a bunch of changes and put them together rather than, make small changes and then people's factories keep breaking every couple months for some reason, and you know you guys who come to every stream will know what's up and you'll be able to make the changes but like not everyone is here right there's only like I mean there's a thousand it's not only a thousand people it's a lot of people but there's like way more people who play the game and, there's no amount of communication we can do on Twitter Youtube and here on Twitch that will inform everyone about everything that happens it's just not possible so yeah