January 22nd, 2020 Livestream Q&A: What do you think about Splitters that can split a certain percentage of the Belts?

January 22nd, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: What do you think about Splitters that can split a certain percentage of the Belts?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will Smart or Programmable Splitter ever get the option to change output rate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHuNPdUuuo

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-GiOZBqdfrAQ">[https://youtu.be/GiOZBqdfrAQ YouTube - January 22nd, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: What do you think about Splitters that can split a certain percentage of the Belts?]</ref>



yeah answer it okay so, what do you think about splitters you can split certain percentage of the belts, yeah like, there's there's been like discussions on the in the community about like stuff changes to the smart splitter I believe it's called the programmatic splitter like there's a few things that people want, there's like one for instance where people want that if if you direct like stuff to the right to the right to the right and like a splitter if you have like this combination where it's like it's coming in here and it goes up and then like you want, like I don't know, steel pipes to go in one direction and to fill up like a container or something and if that container gets full then it will block like the chain of other items some people would like it so that it like if it gets blocked send steel pipes on the regular like path, to make like exceptions kind of or more like more logic to splitters, and and we're listening to all those like, ideas that people have, and we're if you have ideas or like if you agree with an idea that's on the keyway side, upload it because we will check it there, and guess what you guys wanted to say about qa side yeah yeah, because yeah we're there's like a ton of different ways we can do it so we really want to get like your thoughts on what you think is the best way to do it, and yeah maybe we'll look into it I don't know what yeah it's it's we're interested in hearing your ideas on that stuff