June 13th, 2023 Livestream Outro

June 13th, 2023 Livestream



Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-GeKE40L2cSw,8016.253442,8090.667">[https://youtube.com/embed/GeKE40L2cSw?autoplay=1&start=8016&end=8091 YouTube - June 13th, 2023 Livestream - Outro]</ref>



so that's basically all the features that are coming in update eight we're gonna have patch notes on the Discord on Steam I wonder if the Reddit is open on the Reddit yeah I believe there will be a Reddit post it's just I wonder if people are going to access it yeah but I think it's yeah you might actually want to read through the detail patch notes because there is a few more yeah I just noticed that there's a few small things like the weapons have been a little bit rebalanced yeah we have some small rebalancings but also for the conveyor belt actually there's another quality of life thing well you know how you can quick switch conveyor belt types if you were to connect that belt and then quick switch it would reset to the first build set that no longer happens okay if you ever already have it in place how you want to build it but then you realize August mk101 MK2 you don't have to redo it oh that's pretty nice that's pretty nice okay we have 30 seconds you want to count down with this Mark sure do we do the Whole 30 seconds yeah 25 24. I'm just watched it right there fun little video for you guys so we're gonna play that, and then four three two one let's go