June 13th, 2023 Livestream Update-in-place for Splitters

June 13th, 2023 Livestream

Update-in-place for Splitters


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-GeKE40L2cSw,7196.576042,7213.08779">[https://youtube.com/embed/GeKE40L2cSw?autoplay=1&start=7196&end=7214 YouTube - June 13th, 2023 Livestream - Update-in-place for Splitters]</ref>



quality of life like you can update, the Splitters now for example that's just a minor quality of light that we didn't know oh yeah because it's quite a late one that we added so you don't need to dismantle them and and rebuild them you can just build over the top of them yeah yep so if you have a normal splitter you want to upgrade to a Smart splitter you can yeah wait there's another big change