June 13th, 2023 Livestream
Maze Canyons
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<ref name="yt-GeKE40L2cSw,6483.888251,6527.679139">[https://youtube.com/embed/GeKE40L2cSw?autoplay=1&start=6483&end=6528 YouTube - June 13th, 2023 Livestream - Maze Canyons]</ref>
I mean again it's the sub biome of Northern Forest, this picture is quite out of date yes now it's more like it's got kind of like the North Forest but it has some of the pink trees with it and stuff I would say this is, C because it's not it's not really memorable for me no I mean it it does have that cool Apples by the lake yeah you can get cold anyways yeah but yeah it's it's like it's all right I would say I would argue okay what do you think Jason I mean- I don't think I spent any time there so it's pretty popular Fallout