June 13th, 2023 Livestream
Grass Fields
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<ref name="yt-GeKE40L2cSw,5056.73598,5167.921609">[https://youtube.com/embed/GeKE40L2cSw?autoplay=1&start=5056&end=5168 YouTube - June 13th, 2023 Livestream - Grass Fields]</ref>
so yeah these are in in, in order of, alphabetical order but I think we're gonna start with grassfields because grass fields is you know Crest Fields it's grassfields the one that we recommend as a starting area yes some division in community whether that should be the starting area or not, I mean there's an option for a reason yeah I know right, so yeah grassfields, vanilla kind of right yeah grassfields is it's all right it's it's it's kind of boring especially for for us, I guess Europeans like Western Europeans because it's like it's a very familiar landscape we know this kind of stuff yeah I see it a lot it's very Earth-like and I mean for me it's also just like the amount of times I see people playing grass fields because people usually start in grass fields it's like yeah I've seen the smile it's like it's like it's like a pretty good song that's been played too much yeah that kind of energy exactly exactly but it's inviting it's home yeah pretty homey yeah also it has the the big arch the the big arches for it I mean I like I like the the small little changes that we did for this update to it like I think it upgrades it a little bit to more like that Alpine feel like Sound of Music feeling that you can get yeah which is nice it's a comfortable place to be so yep but, yeah so this is all of us rating this by the way it's not just like Hannah okay good but you're gonna get like the final if we're like uneven or anything like that you're gonna get the final tally but like I'm kind of feeling middle down the kind of down the middle literally middle right it's pretty mid yeah firmly and looking at chat a lot of people there's a lot of people saying like I see a lot of bees and C's in general yeah but there are some A's some s's as well but- I can Bridge it out yeah F right there it's not on the scale but I appreciate it anyway