June 13th, 2023 Livestream
Community Highlights
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-GeKE40L2cSw,1185.220207,3100.761657">[https://youtube.com/embed/GeKE40L2cSw?autoplay=1&start=1185&end=3101 YouTube - June 13th, 2023 Livestream - Community Highlights]</ref>
so if you're if you're new here you haven't seen maybe you're on YouTube and you haven't seen, the streams before we usually stream every week on Tuesdays actually almost this time, we usually start one hour from now and what we do is why can't I move this you see okay there we go okay, what we usually do is we check out what people's been doing people have been doing it in the community and what people have built, and, this week we're definitely gonna do that but there's a little bit of a like caveat or if you will because we usually grab stuff from Reddit and at the moment there's like a little bit of a protest issue because Reddit are changing the API rules and a lot of subreddits are in like response to that they're, going dark and, our Reddit did the same thing they're going to be back up sometime today but, it's been dark on the Reddit it has been but it may be up now or within the next hour or something yeah yeah, but before that people were posting stuff and that's what we're gonna check out Community hearts and we do this every week so if you're watching on YouTube just you know FYI we actually stream over on Twitch like every week yeah and we do this kind of stuff every week and it's really fun checking out what people have done and get like yeah you just everyone's better than you kind of you know moment, yeah so there we go okay there we go let's go first up is from qgi oh yep super clean, Coal Power setup yes yes very foggy I got a little bit baiter from this because it said, this is my first coal plant I'm like wait this is wait this is amazing for your first coal plant but then I was like but this is a you know a veteran of the community highlights segment so it was like, it was a you know those the title was my first coal plant and then the column is like for this day all right so it was like occupated yep you can't really get paid it but this is about you with a thumbnail yep but so one thing I really like about this setup is the, like the holes for the, yeah yeah super super sick yeah but this is a really clean clean setup, doesn't say specifically how many it is but it's Mark two miners so it's I'm assuming a Mercury Bell says it's pretty it's pretty pretty big setup, oh I love that I love that, you know the the glass flooring with water underneath kind of you can see the pipes yeah yeah super sick that's a nice little detail that is an aesthetic that I appreciate and then you get the little like room for the water extractor oh it's cozy little pen yeah, one really Nifty little trick you can do when you're placing the water extractors is if you place foundations underneath the water line the water shark is black so I snap to the foundations so if you if you're like, frustrated with the fact that like all the, water extractors don't line up perfectly that's the one way to get it there you go pro tips we're learning we're learning from me who would have thought who would have thunk it yeah I got it from communities next up is from sybrian oh wow this is really pretty and with the Manta in there as well yep holy cow which is like, get that in a bingo card yeah for, taking Snaps this is the perfect shot yep got everything got rain we got fixmestries Manta these trains looks like they're gonna run into each other but no no they'll probably be turning maybe maybe who knows we get the signal set up but it is manually driven so maybe okay since the shot is taken from here this is like minutes from disaster this looks really pretty but I think this is interesting because they also got like the biomass like what's going on there are they automating biomass who knows that's impossible yeah semi-possible semi but you still need to pick it up yeah yeah you can you can set up the the development chain for it but yeah but you still need to get the the master self yeah it makes sense yep very nice next is from sitting waves it's got some turbo fuel lined up I see I see yeah because like initially I was like whenever we see this kind of thing right it's usually always fuel generators right in this case it's not but it is still fuel yeah fuel a lot of production yeah so we've got what blenders at the top we've got, refineries around I love this kind of stuff yeah it's like an alternative way because most people do like power Towers where they build they have like the refineries at the bottom and then they build the Tower up but here's like the opposite yeah yeah or not necessarily the opposite they just aren't using the turbo fuel they're just just production making it yeah yeah yeah now I dig this I really dig this yeah for sure oh man next up is from conscious cadaver wait this is so clean though yeah, nice this is this is when you spawn in the first time on this server and it's like this is your view yeah fine establishment I would I would take vacations there yeah yeah yeah, so it's cool it's got the circular stuff happening around the Hub and the space elevator and also manta oh yeah we've got the Manta shot there 10 points for men yeah it's like you know like it back in the day we did Pokemon Snap you get extra points yeah things like that you get like the Manta bonus in, that would be such a limited funny mod inside it's like you you create like a train cart or something yeah you just stand on top and take books like picture mode or or even a funny mod for Pokemon Snap where you put the Manta in there and stuff and lizard doggo shiny Manta yeah yeah very clean and also the scale of this is bananas like I mean the Hub is not a small building but when you look at like it looks tiny here you know so that just really demonstrates how big this building really is a lot of open space room for activity yep next from in The Matrix we made it we're plugged in yep so this is the infinity hallway and it's inspired by user Royal loss 5545, recognize the name and I like when they say like it's by inspired then I can I can I feel like maybe we feature them on community highlights before, Royal law status and we've probably seen some formal take on this but, no I really I really dig this this is super good and they're in phase four it just looks like we're the reflections that it goes on forever yeah there's I gotta mention this too by the way there's always like whenever someone posts on the Reddit and they have the HUD visible there's always always someone in the comments oh they're like you can turn it off hey the HUD looks good yeah don't Don't Hug shame don't know Hajj shame here yeah there's no one shaving here, next is from exploding jet ski or jet sky yeah the exploding jet skies, with some hexagons the best of ones in fact yeah some may say yeah that another key thing is soon as someone builds with hexagons that's always a common yep like the best guns exactly cgp gray okay yeah I believe it's been a while since I saw that video it's a good one but this is a really sick design, lots of use of the hexagons and of course they're using the hexagons on the, the windows on the right yeah that's the ones that are in the game normally but you know they're they're really hammering that home with more hexagons including with the signs here on the left and, a little bit on the right there so the thing is I wish I could see the signs move oh yeah so you get that full but also I mean just look how pretty that texture is by the way with the reflections there yeah yeah hmm super good has it been raining looks like it yeah very nice can't wait to, get the frame rates to drop in the next step now it's live right now this is it yeah this is the game this is the game next of is from from from scratch games okay every time so chat here's a little game for you all okay so I guess is this vanilla or it says modded the fact that you're asking makes me think it's vanilla, well it is vanilla meta game so I saw this picture first and I was like oh dang there's palettes those are pellets yeah yeah yeah how how do you do those in vanilla you gotta look at the chat see if anyone like oh are they lights no wait what is the like but no they're a lot of fun no signs they're signs now I see it yeah yeah yeah holy [ __ ] it took me so long because I was I was legit yesterday oh that's so clever though I must have been so tired yesterday because it's totally literally staring at this being like is this mother of vanilla yeah and I'm like I'll check the comments and like no it's vanilla I'm like okay I don't know how but, lying maybe, no but okay that makes sense very clever yeah and then like we've got the palettes in the back there that are kind of like leaning yeah you just look so organic and you know it makes the place look even more lived in but, yeah really good I believe from scratch made like, a blueprint for the the set pieces, I believe in the previous post yep makes sense it might be available somewhere oh yeah check the Reddit once it's back up again yeah I guess maybe they'll shirt how do they do the leading though I don't know I don't know next up is from, build Aroma whoa and, I love this post, because it's it's all the fun with us from build-a-rama, because they've made it so that it's like a sort of like a top-down view anatomy of like their Factory so like they've clearly marked like the segments here like oh it's produced kind of dig this so clean yeah so organized but and that pre I mean this is just such a good shot as well I want to go skateboarding down those yeah yeah it's super cool it's it's also cool how the train station is so, like part of the the ramp sort of so like it's two layered oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's pretty nifty Purge this would have taken so long yeah so this is an aluminum ingots Factory, the purple one is probably packaged or Turbo fuel isn't it but would there be that wouldn't be terrible from this what a chat will know no that's true I'm blanking heavy oil residue maybe that's the one that is okay yeah turbo fuel is red yeah I think it is yeah I wouldn't know I'm still making my Turbo fuel everybody knows it's it's working on mine I can't believe you you failed that test I knew yeah I was testing you, next to this from ow danty OverWatch Dante or yeah OverWatch Dante, from the, yeah the OverWatch league as we all know yeah Jeff Kaplan would be yeah don't get to see his videos anymore no no but this is super neat yeah and, just a great shot it's a super good shot and this is the interior here super good use of signs by the way, and Mark like markings on the floor yep really huge fan of the platform one platform through there on the ground yeah super super six mark, I don't know it was a science that got me on this one very modular and clever way to use it I dig it yep next to this from Royal loss so Royal loss mentioned previously right here's here's another build from them where holy cow this is big yeah out of this menacing looking, layer on top of the waterfall inside I bet they're standing there like this at the end yeah it's exactly like Steven yes yes they're like waiting for when we add, the, not just the oil nodes yeah they're waiting for the other stuff yes which won't be in this update no but in another update no resource Note updates no no no yes this is ASMR what are we doing we got this we got distracted can't wait for that clip, it's gonna haunt us forever whoa wait is this is this one of these like, frame by frame stacked pictures or you know when someone does like a panorama and the and the, the portable Miner is moving at the same time yeah yeah so do you know do you know what's reminds me of well it remembers of gold tonight do you know if you can oh yeah I know what you're talking about remote Minds yeah I know exactly what you're talking about stacking the remote oh I'm so many hours this is a kid being like yeah yeah yeah then it's like this
that's so funny oh my God yeah so so apparently you could do this cool you can apparently stack them like this, I'm not sure are they drilling I think they are because I don't think you can place the the portable Miner unless like it doesn't do the animation unless it's true, so must be which is interesting all right yeah that's a bug that can stay in the game I mean it's efficient I mean a carefully designed feature that could stay in the game, -huh yeah we definitely thought of that it's, but it's cool I made a tech talk about that by the way where if you place like if you place one minor on one node you only get like a certain amount but if you put like the portable Miner you can place as many as you want exactly so like if you just pick them up you get so many more like yeah you just need need a friend to do that for you and that's what I thought there was like he's got a friend to do it yeah it's fine, super nice, next up is from Redstone sausage with this a cool looking bridge and I also love the the attack for this it's like spent hours building this and then I realized it doesn't lead anywhere so what should I use it for well I mean it's pretty sick yeah you could turn it to like an obstacle course if you play certain things down and then you have to drive a factory cart through it oh yeah you know it's kind of like a Crash Bandicoot level in a way but you should have like the because this is Northern Forest and you should have like the the coal stuff there and you know maybe you could move the maybe you want to build a factory there I don't know so but this is super nice yeah also for the YouTube Watchers who don't check out our weekly streams, we have like bridges are almost on every week there's some some kind of bridge we have the bridge meta yeah if you ever want to be featured make a bridge probably Community highlights doesn't start until there's Abridged enough yeah exactly exactly devstream hasn't started until this bridge yeah yeah for sure, we're gonna we're gonna stick to this like color scheme sort of, check out jonapoka who has a storage setup, it reminds me of kibbetts like the way you keep it sets this thing up, with the man in the background and all that stuff but super I love the colors I can just this this gives me sort of like, not really Iron Man but like the same kind of like Iron Man energy where you know this like there's like a superhero person or it's like a super engineer yeah they wake up in the morning they're like it's time to get to work and they walk through their storage system get to their mam at the end and they start tinkering yeah and then I get immediately overwhelmed like everything I said I was gonna do yesterday I pushed it today I think I'm gonna lay down yeah yeah I'll do it tomorrow yeah, yeah it's super cool super clean super clean, another cool train pick mmm the sunset rice pretty very warm thingy it's hard to tell wait where is this oh that's I'm trying to remember which direction the sun rises, I always remember think of it with the Owen Wilson Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Knights and he's like the sun doesn't rise here it sets here so it sets in the West but that's on Earth but it's let's think of the Red Hot Chili Pepper song all right the sun might set in the east but at least it finally I said I was gonna find a location oh yeah yeah but that's on Earth yeah that's on Earth okay I'm sorry my bad, where was I going with this cool pick yeah super good no it's super cool, those fart rocks down there actually one thing I was gonna mention you know like when you see a picture sometimes when a film they film like a Sunset and then they go reverse but you can actually see on Earth if it's a sunset or Sunrise because the colors are different because depending on where it's shot because during the day more, like oh it's certain color patients or rice and that changes how the the colors in the atmosphere what gets absorbed and during the night it goes down and then in the morning okay it all starts up again holy cow so you can actually this I can't remember which Youtuber was but they were like going through films and they were trying to find like when they reversed Sun sunsets and sunrises to be like no that's a sunset that's a very nerdy thing to do yep but, content baby all right it's incredible that someone would do that for starters but then of course you would watch it I expect that completely you know sometimes you see a thumbnail and you're like I don't actually want to watch this and you click the thumbnail and then you watch the video anyway yeah yeah and I don't know I've done it many times I have the I don't know what it is easily distracted, an experts from one watch ad whoa whoa hold up a second whoa we got the Billy eilish green here nice check we'll get the futurist we got kind of a bridge check yep spiraling we got the, train, yeah lift or yep check too many pipes check yeah two yep all right so these are cool gens yep a lot yep and a very very small space yep how many too many okay, didn't specify all right so you're gonna have to count Chase all right let's get counting here we go dominoes one two two I don't know if there's a children's up there I don't know it's, the Sesame Street one two three five four six seven at a time eleven twelvet 40 50 60. 30 40 50 60. just keep going, yeah I love this super cool location too, very nice it's amazing they managed to fit a train like Spiral thing in the yep yeah this is tightly packed they're being efficient with their space for sure Merc says it's 80 about 80. okay I'll take I'll take we'll take your word for it yep plus seven probably someone else said 30 someone said 48. you know what I think we're all right it's like you know those you know guess how many beans are in the jar you do that but like how many cold gems are in the picture it's kind of like that, this next time next one I'm a big fan of, it's a hell of fresh no it's nothing it's fine the oh my God voided how did you meant how how I thought I would never be surprised by a beam ever again yeah and, here we are what how firmly surprised how is this possible I've I've seen beans on trains I'm like okay I can I can see that happen I think beans trapped on cliffs where there's no way they could have ever gotten yeah, but like how did you get it on the Drone you know what we need we need Bean on Manta Bean on Manta yeah I'd love to see that dude we need ah you know I've been around the world shut up I'm just gonna yeah for that, it kind of looks like it's on like a diving board oh yeah it's like oh this one dive off the bean is like oh this is way higher than I thought you could do it Ben you got this doing the thing where like it's oh yeah it's just gonna climb down climb down and draw from it but it's like you're still falling like 40 meters oh yeah all right super cool Incredible really good really good shot all right get ready because the next couple of, submissions are big okay so big that they didn't work yeah shut up wow yeah so from Story puzzle headed we got this, 400 colorful shoes this is incredible yep and this is the I mean I feel like this could be first of all I would live here second of all this could be in any Final Fantasy game this reminds me of like when you visit like a beautiful city like we're so we're we're so well we're doing so well for ourselves and then like The Empire Strikes right right it's like the the elves are living harmoniously yeah yeah right yeah it's it's the everything is going for the storm send the fish in this Factory yep and then the bean Empire comes yeah and then the bean Empire it's always it's always like they would never attack us yeah and then they attack them right as I say that all of a sudden yeah always happens anyways this is yeah this is a super cool, colorful good use of color for the like different Towers yep and it plays off the reflections of the, the the, the building yep as well so the materials that we used so this is well done this is in the crater which we also mentioned every size did we mention that we never mention it and that's what we do oh it's so funny because like in my head I was going I'm gonna mention it's Creator and I didn't think of the fact that we always mentioned it and then I said and I'm like [ __ ] I just yeah yeah I didn't mean to set that up but yeah we're it's in the crater what you gonna do about it next step is from Kai Sebastian oh you know what I could use some donuts right about now you got any donuts plus holy cow it's the [ __ ] I just realized it's the it's the pipe, the yeah yeah hypertube answers also those, those like windmills there are really sick wait wait yeah yeah yeah can we talk about it the big thing looks like a hot air balloon yep super good yep oh that's so clever so I think guys Sebastian posted the balloon before, but I just love it it's so funny oh I dig that so much yeah so this is like their, yeah their one year of progress on their little oh incredible this is like a amazing adorable little, getaway holiday destination you know you can like rent a little cabin for a few weeks so this reminds me of, Katamari, Damacy or like the town sort of the colors and like the the like okay it's kind of weirdly spaced out and like what's the rainbow doing in the in the right right right right super cool we have showcased some of this stuff previously yeah, like the little Tugboat oh yeah yeah but, it's just so nice to see all this like and it's it's like one big happy family being all this stuff I would live there yeah and then, here's one of the streets nice yeah I would walk down that street every day pick up some milk
milk stores closed and then I get really mad yeah and say I hate it here yeah yeah and we got that a little oh resort area sort of so good all the colors on the beach yeah yeah yeah the little things the little, guard thing a lifeguards this is really cool yeah super nice this is incredible the detail is so good oh wow wait look at the water isn't that like a face oh my God it kind of is it is a face it's like about to emerge yeah yeah yeah well rip this little town there's something coming oh this is what I tell you man it's the same thing and find fancy as well like the the peaceful exactly it's sin and then yeah oh boy who's who says psyched for, Final Fantasy 16 not this guy never happened we're still find fancy crossover Square Enix just saying anyways yeah we yeah that's how we should That's How we'll make it happen yeah on stream yeah that's a good idea yeah yeah that's how we do it I mean it's worth it for kind of next up is from, chaos 1691. we're gonna keep on the theme of big city kind of big setups this is more futuristic yep kind of like the Jetsons factorial satisfactory I mean I'm a huge fan of, frame foundations and I can see a bunch there, oh wow super cool use of, like platforming all the, conveyor belts and everything so cool this would be so cool to walk around
, and then this cool Power situation going on the Drone pork super good with the Drum Point yeah yeah, I really dig this same holy cow yep
so this is producing magnetic field generators and it's 40 per minute which is a feed by itself but the fact that chaos also managed to, like make it look make it look very like believable, super cool he's an internal shot Eternal internal in internal yeah shot okay yeah of the, a lot of power storage here gonna keep things running even if we run low on power oh man and the, the like the sunroof or whatever it is at the top there yeah super sick and then play the same game here is it vanilla or is it modded as in like the effort right right and then spoiler alert it's not modded it's vanilla oh wow really so 100 hours roughly holy cow yeah insane so, good job yeah ggs yes
, so yeah that's that's the community highlights actually maybe we can do one more Community highlight which is this thing here oh yeah yeah just quickly yeah it also gives me opportunity to fix something okay so, Vincent 2057 their name is made some some cool stuff they like laser cut these things or they went in more detail on how it was made but this is basically a, like a name plate here which is happy fourth birthday for satisfactory because, we've been out for just over four years now which is pretty huge and they made some light pipes here as well which is super cool so we're keeping them here as part of the set so thank you very much, Vincent 2057 for that they look great, it's super cool when people send us stuff yeah it's, it's always like something cool too it's well most of them 99.99 yeah sometimes you got some strange stuff yeah yeah it's super cool yeah yeah super super good but, yeah so every week we do the, Community highlights and we take, screenshots from people, from the Twitter when people use the hashtag satisfactory screenshots or from the screenshot flare on Reddit so if you ever want to submit anything to us for that for consideration you can do it either by using those two methods the Flareon Reddit or the hashtag on Twitter and what we usually also do is we also highlight like a content creator but this week we're going to do something a little bit small wow what I don't know if- I don't like change snit oh you're gonna have to like it all right okay well you know what you convinced me yeah okay, so so this week we're highlighting, actually I mean it's Community Driven so it still is like sort of on topic for sure, but one thing we're highlighting is that on WE we've had a Wiki we have a Wiki, that's been on fandom.com for a long time and, for a couple of reasons that we're not gonna go too deep into we are we are deciding to switch to using wiki.gg and there's a bunch of really lovely community members that have put in the time and effort to recover the logo oh no we definitely thought of that yep okay so, our lovely like editors on the wiki have, Gone together and and migrated the wiki over to wiki.gg and, the experience of using the wiki should just be better in in many senses yeah we feel anyway yep and I mean more importantly that that's also where they the people who contribute to the wiki yeah you know wannabe and I think it's it's important to, enable them where we can so, we certainly support the change, and this is actually live as of today yes, so if you exclamation Wiki on Twitch, then you will be able to get the link maybe we can copy paste that and pin it or something on the, on the YouTube good so what I'm doing it right now y'all can't see it but I am doing it see if you can pin it maybe I don't know if that's possible I think it is on YouTube if it's chat stops moving stop chatting for a second oh no what's going on you don't have perms to oh that might be it but it's I'm not even getting like the I'm not sure what's going on, but anyways, so yeah that's something that's been going on for quite some time and it's now we're making the push I'm trying to, that I can't yeah, to to move the wiki over yes if any of our mods on YouTube are watching, could you take the share the link in the chat on YouTube and pin it if if possible I'm pretty sure pinning is possible on YouTube I'm pretty sure I've seen it before yep cool yeah so, yeah see how it goes and, feel free to share any feedback yeah and one key bit of information too is that, the anything like update 8 related is gonna be on, the new, on the new Wiki so so if you're if you're looking for up-to-date related information it's going to be in the new Wiki so don't check the old one essentially yes there'll be more info on this, further down the line explaining a little bit more why and I'm going to do but we're not going to go into too much of it, at the moment because, obviously we're releasing the update today so we're going to focus a little bit more on that but we just want to make you guys aware of that, of that change dope sauce and that was that oh yeah you could probably pin it there yeah, I said again oh there it is I think Natalie is doing it oh wait maybe Natalie yeah and thank you Natalie for helping but we just got it in there yeah so appreciate it easy money cool