October 10th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will we have FICSMAS this year?

October 10th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Will we have FICSMAS this year?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will FICSMAS 2023 happen the same as it did in 2022 and 2021? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hx334PyY0k

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-GLY1mS26Rto">[https://youtu.be/GLY1mS26Rto YouTube - October 10th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Will we have FICSMAS this year?]</ref>



will we have fixmas this year, we will have fixmas fixmas is always recur recurring recur no it's always recurring it's reoccurring like it's coming back but I don't know if we'll have time to do new things for for fixmas this year, but fixmas always during that month fixmas was all and I think we will make like change to the calendar if we need to so so I would say I fairly certain it will come back but what do I know