July 9th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will Blueprints be transferred from previous saves if starting a new 1.0 game?

July 9th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Will Blueprints be transferred from previous saves if starting a new 1.0 game?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-GFaMTx0ZWkA">[https://youtu.be/GFaMTx0ZWkA YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will Blueprints be transferred from previous saves if starting a new 1.0 game?]</ref>



will blueprints be will blueprints be transferred from previous saves if starting a new 1.0 game they will not by default because blueprints are tied to your safe file so if you create a new safe file even now in this version if you create a new safe file you will start from scratch you will need to move your blueprints, to the blueprint folder for that safe file I believe that's something that we've debated back and forth whether we like that or not, I am I'm a very strong opponent to the way it works right now because I don't I don't understand why you'd want to tie blueprints to Safe files cuz like even if you even if you haven't unlocked the stuff you need to be able to use certain blueprints you still can't access them in new safe Falls so like I just feel like it's a lot of extra work to just have to like it's just an extra step you need to take I don't understand why you have it that way, I'm sure there was a reasoning to it but- I don't I don't get it