March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary Snutt & Jace Talk: Nuclear Pasta issues

March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary

Snutt & Jace Talk: Nuclear Pasta issues

Clips from the commentary for the Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes ( were taken from Jace's personal Twitch stream:

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-FzWW3mEJRM8">[ YouTube - March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary - Snutt & Jace Talk: Nuclear Pasta issues]</ref>



to utilizing power storages it's used to produce plutonium pellets for the plutonium production line and also project part number nine nuclear pasta all right well we have to stop here scent I guess we do I hope burke isn't watching this stream you didn't even hear about half the discussions we had, privately I'm glad because I was like, my brain was done yes so if you if you've, if you've made nuclear pasta in the game you know that that's not what it looks like there's an effect missing first of all sorry sorry before you continue yep why nuclear pasta nuclear posture is a real thing yeah it's actually a real thing it's a phenomenon it's actually a phenomena it's a real thing that exists in real life so the fact that it's pasta is not like a weird thing that we come out with it's actually a real thing that exists all right carry on so so so go on sorry it's like, it's it's the it's like making proton and and what is it neutrons neutrons like they collide or something and then it makes them compact or something and that's that's a phenomena that's called nuclear pasta whatever the like bubble thing that's supposed to be, like trans more translucent and, when I filmed this originally I was like that kind of looks weird I need to and I made a note like ask some about it I forgot so like the last showing before we sent off the trailer to the the people guys like while we were

[ __ ]

live on twitch we're not live on twitch this was the day before or are you talking about nothing else no didn't burke contact us while we were live no no no no no that was something else that was something else oh okay sorry yeah the day before the the the on this monday when we showed the trailer for like the the the, higher-ups or whatever that's also something that I kind of want to talk about later but when we show the trailer to to our producer and stuff he was like ah that's not that's not what it's supposed to look like and we were like well [ __ ] we just sent this to the the marketing people and like this is what's going to go out tomorrow because we depressed yeah is that and we had a long discussion like what do we need to do to fix it like can we change it in the video can we like re-upload the video on youtube like a long process because like it would have involved fixing that would have involved like three people, and also putting the word out to all the press who was gonna cover our story of the fact that you know update four and like oh you got a new video now that you need to link to and yeah yeah yeah yeah we had to think about them as well yeah and and I was like I was I was like no one's gonna notice and he's like yeah no probably you're probably right like it's it's the it's like the the it's it's almost perfect except that little thing you know like and that little thing is more annoying that if than if half of the trailer was broken you know, but it was so funny, that that but this is the yeah so so for those who don't underst no this this weird like white globe around the nuclear pasta is is is actually so like on game development terms is actually just like a little bit of like a material or an asset that can then be used to create like a distortion effect so the final nuclear pasta if you have found it actually it looks like this but there's not this weird like white globe around it it's actually a distortion field so this white globe that you're seeing is a distort is a field that was created by like I think simon that ben was the was then supposed to create as a distortion field around yeah right so you're seeing an unfinished version so this is the version of, nuclear pasta that doesn't have the distortion field, correctly assigned basically is what's happening here, but it was it was way way too late we were not yeah yeah like like we couldn't recreate the video what's done is done that that's it so but but if you see nuclear position in game you'll see that it looks like the the weird orange thing in the middle the blue and orange thing you see in the middle and then the the white section on the outside is gone but it's kind of like a weird distorted space-timey feel basically and, yeah blame simon I guess yeah yeah yeah yeah blame sir we are coming back to blame simon correct yeah yeah but the thing is like up until we've talked about this now I've never seen anyone comment on this like it this this blows so fast like this blows past so fast in it in the video and this is before people have played the game so they don't know what it looks like when they boot it up and like at that point they've already forgotten about the fashion house video in like this specific scene and ultimately no one would really care like if this looked a little bit different where that white thing was gone but instead there was a weird distortion around the blue and orangey thing no one would really care so much and it was it was honestly just too late for us to update the video it was definitely too late but also like this isn't the first time this has happened on our trailers there's like if you go back to our old trailers like the game is constantly changing as well so like there's there's there's shots where stuff doesn't look right a refund reef yeah okay good luck yeah so anyway what what's the what's the what's wrong with the model okay so this this weird white like globe that's covering it is actually used as information to create a distortion field around the orange and blue part in the middle the main part in the middle so this white area is supposed to create a like a weird effect around the main part of the object, and what you see here is a weird like sphere yeah okay that's not how it was ever supposed to be but we didn't have time to fix it so that that's that's the difference there so what it boils down to is like a tldr is essentially like we showed a work in progress item in the trailer in like the final file or exactly video exactly thanks for the positive check, makin joy I will fix my posture right now but the fact that people are also commenting that like yeah I notice it but I didn't like it looks okay like it doesn't look broken or anything yeah it's fine I think I think that's fine so okay so I had so I had to spend like a bunch of time just calling burke being like it's fine work it's fine don't worry about it