November 5th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 42)

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 42)

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

This video is part of a series of 67 videos.
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-FwfGEhrC9Ns">[ YouTube - November 5th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 42)]</ref>



yeah I thought it was going to be a mini map ooh that's pretty good yeah I love this moment where when you say like we need to lost this time all right what did you say so we need some kind of like objects with like information on it you know that we can yeah it's funny there because like that's everybody knows what's happening pretty much a lot of people were spamming yeah yeah oh my god yay here's some vfx work from simon awesome you're lost this, sign was so hard to like make it look any anything but vfx, because I the biggest issue was that the dark with the background and stuff like that makes it really look like it's just pasted on top so I had to like do a bunch of like do it through color grading so that the it's not black and then add a ton of noise to it right, still because there's not really many things in the world that's actually that black yeah but then again we're not trying to fool anyone like oh there actually was a sign there oh like whatever not a big deal but yeah super hype about this this reveal, because science is something that we've been saving for a long time yep it was the most requested thing yeah up until the stream date up until the day yeah yeah better late than never but we're finally adding science to the game there's more to them than just fancy letters on a flat surface to strap in I had a lot of fun doing this shot because there's so many like references to I love the powerslide for president yeah yeah I saw like that was the one thing that I saw a lot of people pick up on like powerslide for present but there's there's a ton of like, there's a there's a weeble reference here, and there's like there's the hub factory thing do you remember when natalie made the signs and she sent that I'm talking about this one you can't probably not see it because it's so I can't see where maybe you can see it on stream oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah hub factory wow that's actually really good so, a long time ago natalie messaged who works on the ui stuff messaged me and jace with that like sign like the the the and she was like natalie is a woman of culture and she's like hmm maybe this is something to put on twitter and she's not wrong


we're gonna save it what is the reference I don't have, your parents you know don't ask your parents don't ask your parents exactly yeah whatever you do don't ask your parents I actually forgot I need to load up this save and check them out because I forgot a lot of these this one is just high side