September 21st, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Do you think 1.0 will release on Experimental before general release?

September 21st, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Do you think 1.0 will release on Experimental before general release?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as February 2021.
This question has a related video, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-FazJegnOGqM">[ YouTube - September 21st, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Do you think 1.0 will release on Experimental before general release?]</ref>




do you think and yeah one point over review on experimental before general elise that's a good question actually I don't know probably probably experimental yeah probably because I mean I feel like it's still going to be a big be a big major launch yeah people who are who have been with us all this time who kind of diehard can help test and stuff like that yeah so that when the actual lunch comes out and when like reviewers start reviewing it and all that kind of stuff happens the game will be in a better state, I think it would be sort of worse if we you know like the the feedback we get from from community is just so valuable it would be a shame for us to like forego that and then like release it on early access and then it's like buggy and then people have a bad time yeah because like no yeah even no like no qa branch is big enough compared to like the player base like helping us out so it will definitely catch a lot of cases